Um ... just because a movie is featuring Barry’s songs hardly guarantees it will be “well worth seeing”.
I think small incidentals like plot and characters will be a better indicator (and a decent soundtrack, of course).
Hi Bren,
Although I think your comments are accurate, sometimes movies do well in spite of a not to believed plot. The central plot in "Mamma Mia" was about a girl and her mother not knowing which one of three men was her biological father, not a very realistic story. However, the film did well because of the popularity of the ABBA songs, such as "Dancing Queen" which made the viewer want to sing along to the songs as well as the portrayal of the broad funny characters by the actors.
Now if "Mamma Mia" did well on such a superficial plot, why can't a film with Barry's memorable hit songs not do as well? Thanks, Marvin