siriusly needing help....
(too old to reply)
2019-09-27 00:37:28 UTC
so I bought a new car in April, which came with 6 months of free SiriusXM satellite radio. Truthfully, I've not been too impressed with the selection of stations; I've listened to the 80's one almost exclusively, and that one is 'meh' at best.

My free trial is nearing an end and I have to decide if I want to spend $$ to subscribe on the regular.

My question is, for those who have/had Sirius radio, do you recommend it?
Are there stations available that are worth the $$? Are there any stations that play a lot of Mr M's stuff? I've not heard any Manilow on the 80s station.

There are very few stations available during my free trial; Mr Annie's disappointed with the lack of classical music...….
(Mr Annie listens to Mozart and Liszt; I listen to U2 and Aerosmith - how are we even together?? something about opposites....)
…..I'm assuming there are more stations if one subscribes to SiriusXM?

Seems like there should be more options for the price they're asking - $20/month! I'm thinking that the free trial is only a subset of stations that are available with paid subscription - but I could be wrong.

I hate to pay for something that's been free my whole life so I'm wondering if there's some redeeming aspect of Sirius radio that I've been missing? My friends (like me and all other typical New Englanders) don't spend money on fancy stuff so I don't have any local references. But, I'm thinking maybe it's time to take radio to the next level, as we did (reluctantly) years back with cable TV.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated: SiriusXM radio: worth it or not?

2019-09-27 01:41:53 UTC
Well, I know in my case, I bought a new car it came with a free trial of Sirius as well. I found myself more often than not using the Bluetooth feature to listen to my playlist from my phone. I have a pretty eclectic playlist, so it was always something new. i didn't sign up after the free trial ended. Your mileage may vary
2019-09-27 03:12:40 UTC
I just heard a commercial on xm for $60 for a 12 month subscription. I believe it is a limited number of stations though.

I hear Manilow on 70's, Yacht Rock (this summer), the Sinatra channel and now on the Love Songs channel. I don't recall ever hearing him on the 80's channel.

I am not specifically listening for Barry, so I don't know what stations play him regularly. I hear him when I channel surf.

Call XM and see if they are offering any specials. Often they will give you a discount just to keep your business.

(DC) Sharon
2019-09-27 04:31:26 UTC
He’s on 70s occasionally but Loce station plays him just about every hour and has a wide variety of his songs, even ones you wouldn’t consider love songs.

If you ever want to know what stations play a certain artist, just search for them on the Sirius website.

All this said, I don’t drive and probably wouldn’t pay for a subscription if I did. I prefer my own playlists or to just hit the shuffle button.
2019-09-27 11:14:58 UTC
If I want to listen to Manilow, I pop in a CD. Why search for a radio station who plays his music occasionally? If you don't have a CD player in your car, either buy one and have it installed, or go to your Bluetooth. There is no way on God's green Earth that I would pay for radio!

2019-09-27 15:52:11 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
so I bought a new car in April, which came with 6 months of free SiriusXM satellite radio. Truthfully, I've not been too impressed with the selection of stations; I've listened to the 80's one almost exclusively, and that one is 'meh' at best.
My free trial is nearing an end and I have to decide if I want to spend $$ to subscribe on the regular.
My question is, for those who have/had Sirius radio, do you recommend it?
Are there stations available that are worth the $$? Are there any stations that play a lot of Mr M's stuff? I've not heard any Manilow on the 80s station.
There are very few stations available during my free trial; Mr Annie's disappointed with the lack of classical music...….
(Mr Annie listens to Mozart and Liszt; I listen to U2 and Aerosmith - how are we even together?? something about opposites....)
…..I'm assuming there are more stations if one subscribes to SiriusXM?
Seems like there should be more options for the price they're asking - $20/month! I'm thinking that the free trial is only a subset of stations that are available with paid subscription - but I could be wrong.
I hate to pay for something that's been free my whole life so I'm wondering if there's some redeeming aspect of Sirius radio that I've been missing? My friends (like me and all other typical New Englanders) don't spend money on fancy stuff so I don't have any local references. But, I'm thinking maybe it's time to take radio to the next level, as we did (reluctantly) years back with cable TV.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated: SiriusXM radio: worth it or not?
There are quite a few subscription options available for listening in your car, and I usually get the best deals when I call before the subscription is due to end and ask for a deal. If there's nothing available (or so they say), they'll transfer you to the "cancellation" customer care team, where they'll most likely offer a better deal.

If that doesn't work, let the subscription lapse for a few weeks. Then you'll be inundated with offers, some for as low as $5-8 per month, depending on the package you want.

I love Sirius - not hearing terrestrial commercials is well worth the money. And if your car allows you to tag favorite artists, you can program Barry in there and you'll be notified anytime a song is played anywhere on Sirius. His songs occasionally pop up on the 80s station when they do a countdown, and I've also heard him on channels 4, 69, and a few others (along with Sinatra, Love, Studio 54, 70s, etc.).

Hope this helps, Annie!

Maria M
2019-10-01 11:28:30 UTC
I like Sirius. I listen to 70’s & Love the most. They play Barry. I also love the AmericanTop 40 countdown on the 70’s station onthe weekends.

I know there are a lot of other free services- like Pandora. But I’m happy with Sirius. I also have the package where I can get the app on my phone so I play it in my house on a speaker. That’s actually why I like it. It is pricey though when there are free services.

