Susan Deixler
(too old to reply)
2018-02-10 18:47:03 UTC
I was thinking of labeling this thread as Things I wonder about, however, I don't really have a long list. And, as an example of one of the few things I wonder about, is, if you watch this video from the Official Barry Manilow channel on Youtube, you'll notice that Barry looks up momentarily while sitting at the piano before he stands up. I wonder if that's a cue for the people handling the lights or something, or if he's looking up because something wasn't quite right. This happens at 1:56. See video here.

Nonetheless, I've mentioned here that I believe I saw Susan Deixler twice, shortly after a major tabloid published pictures of her. This was at a local gas station. Coincidentally she was parked at the very same spot that she got gas at as I was at the very same spot when I saw her the second time we were there. The first time I couldn't believe it. And this was just after I posted my first message on this newsgroup. She was just walking out the front door. The second time she was smiling as she came out. This time I checked out her car. It was a little blue car and the license plate spelled out in improvised letters, the word "holistic healer." As you may know, Deixler is a holistic healer. I live in an area where new age ideas are popular. And since I live in the general area of the state where she lives, that is the northern part, I have reason to believe I saw her. But let's continue.

At any rate, I checked out her Facebook page and I saw her picture when she was younger. I recognized it instantly as a woman that I saw frequently in the town I live. In fact, she would always be hanging around a group of people - lot's of times in front of the local health food store, or at the street corner. She was always smiling. She was one of those people that you felt that she knew you were looking her way when she was looking toward someone else. Anyway, the last time I saw her was when I was walking out of the health food store and she was walking in, we caught eyes, she brightly smiled, and I kind of shyly looked away. That was the last time I saw her. She was a lot younger then.

At any rate, this reminds me of how, back in the day, I wanted to tell Barry to not give up. To not stop. There was no internet and you couldn't just dial in and give Barry a call. And here, all along, someone who knew Barry either lived in my town or frequented it, and I saw her all the time. She certainly stood out, and she left an impression on your mind like a smiling Cheshire cat. Truth is stranger than fact, and it's something I wonder about often.
2018-02-10 22:00:38 UTC
The car looked like a Prius. I just found another picture of her online with a white one.

Another thing I wonder about is in regard to the blue shirt she's wearing with the pattern of ships thereon. I wonder if that's a reference to one of Barry's songs.
Jim UK
2018-02-11 02:34:52 UTC
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2018-02-11 02:57:34 UTC
Post by Jim UK
No offence, but you really do talk some shit. I look at this this group every day and have read all your ridiculous comments over the past few months. Get a life, enjoy his music and stop your utterly ridiculous posts.
What's ridiculous about it?
2018-02-11 03:22:56 UTC
Post by Jim UK
No offence, but you really do talk some shit. I look at this this group every day and have read all your ridiculous comments over the past few months. Get a life, enjoy his music and stop your utterly ridiculous posts.
Was this part ridiculous, too:

" I wanted to tell Barry to not give up. To not stop."
2018-02-12 16:51:33 UTC
Post by A***@yahoo.com
Post by Jim UK
No offence, but you really do talk some shit. I look at this this group every day and have read all your ridiculous comments over the past few months. Get a life, enjoy his music and stop your utterly ridiculous posts.
" I wanted to tell Barry to not give up. To not stop."

You need to stop bringing up Miss Deixler in the discussion here.

She is not relevant to Mr M. Hasn't been for decades. DECADES.

Evidently she does not seek publicity for herself so let's respect that.
Let her live her life in peace. Respect her privacy.

No one but you cares about her private life, so you need to zip it.

That's all I'm going to say on this matter. So you'll probs post some bizarre response, but I won't respond. Because this subject needs to be CLOSED.

2018-02-12 17:00:29 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by A***@yahoo.com
Post by Jim UK
No offence, but you really do talk some shit. I look at this this group every day and have read all your ridiculous comments over the past few months. Get a life, enjoy his music and stop your utterly ridiculous posts.
" I wanted to tell Barry to not give up. To not stop."
You need to stop bringing up Miss Deixler in the discussion here.
It really wasn't about Deixler. It's about my unusual experience. I just find it so unusual and fantastic - that it would happen to me during the time I brought her up on this group. I just had to share. So strange.
Post by a***@gmail.com
She is not relevant to Mr M. Hasn't been for decades. DECADES.
Evidently she does not seek publicity for herself so let's respect that.
Let her live her life in peace. Respect her privacy.
No one but you cares about her private life, so you need to zip it.
That's all I'm going to say on this matter. So you'll probs post some bizarre response, but I won't respond. Because this subject needs to be CLOSED.