2023-02-01 04:26:47 UTC
What's the difference between a nigger and a tire?
...A tire doesn't start singing when you put chains on it.
Why don't they circumcize niggers?
...Because there's no end to those pricks.
What did the black man do after he caught a white woman's baby
she threw out of the window during a fire?
...Spiked it on the ground and shouted "touchdown!"
The 3 greatest lies?
...The check's in the mail, black is beautiful, and i won't
cum in your mouth.
Why aren't there any black skiers?
...Because their lips explode at high altitude.
What do you get when you cross a nigger with a monkey?
...Nothing, no monkey is dumb enough to fuck a nigger.
A nigger, a frenchman, a german, and a pollock were sitting in a bar.
"I like to fuck white women!" said the nigger. "that's grand!" said
the frenchman. "gut for you!" said the german. "i don't blame you,"
said the pollock, "i don't like fucking those niggers either."
Why is a nigger like a miner?
...They are both lower than dirt and dig dark cavities.
A white woman was being hit on by a black man in a bar.
"I don't believe in changing colors" she said politely.
What does a pussy have in common with a negro's head?
...Both have kinky hair, big lips, and smell after a 15-minute
Why do they call a half-black half-white child a mulatto?
...They don't know whether it is a white shit on by a mule or a black
pissed on by two.
...A tire doesn't start singing when you put chains on it.
Why don't they circumcize niggers?
...Because there's no end to those pricks.
What did the black man do after he caught a white woman's baby
she threw out of the window during a fire?
...Spiked it on the ground and shouted "touchdown!"
The 3 greatest lies?
...The check's in the mail, black is beautiful, and i won't
cum in your mouth.
Why aren't there any black skiers?
...Because their lips explode at high altitude.
What do you get when you cross a nigger with a monkey?
...Nothing, no monkey is dumb enough to fuck a nigger.
A nigger, a frenchman, a german, and a pollock were sitting in a bar.
"I like to fuck white women!" said the nigger. "that's grand!" said
the frenchman. "gut for you!" said the german. "i don't blame you,"
said the pollock, "i don't like fucking those niggers either."
Why is a nigger like a miner?
...They are both lower than dirt and dig dark cavities.
A white woman was being hit on by a black man in a bar.
"I don't believe in changing colors" she said politely.
What does a pussy have in common with a negro's head?
...Both have kinky hair, big lips, and smell after a 15-minute
Why do they call a half-black half-white child a mulatto?
...They don't know whether it is a white shit on by a mule or a black
pissed on by two.