KenCen Honors weekend
(too old to reply)
2019-12-09 17:01:33 UTC
Kennedy Center Honors filmed this past weekend here in DC. Lots of celeb sightings around town, which is always exciting.

And, we all know Barry's not getting the award this year ... but I wanted to let you know alone in fans wanting their idols to get the award.

The Johnny Mathis fandom is also campaigning for HIM to get one as well. :-)


Maybe someday!

(DC) Sharon
2019-12-10 14:45:01 UTC
I understand the frustration for Johnny Mathis fans and Barry fans and fans of other artists to have their favorite artists nominated for the Kennedy Center Honors. The fan of Johnny Mathis seems to feel that the board memebers of KCH has a built in bias against certain performers. Although I think the poster is correct regarding the bias by the KCH board, it is very difficult when the final honorees are announced to dispute that the artists selected really deserve to have earned their Kennedy Center Honors nominations. Barry has said in the past that he is not in the music business to win awards, so I am not as worked up as I used to be in the past when Barry was not nominated. There is just too much competition for the KCH Honors every year and unfortunately not all artists worthy of the nomination will ever be nominated. Thanks, Marvin
2019-12-22 15:10:45 UTC
No frustration here at all. Congratulations to the winners.

I am secure that Barry is best.
2019-12-23 14:36:02 UTC
Post by q***@gmail.com
No frustration here at all. Congratulations to the winners.
I am secure that Barry is best.

We know Mr M is something very very special. Doesn't change, whether or not others recognize it - it's an absolute truth.

Brenda M
2020-01-03 07:55:05 UTC
Still, Annie, I’m betting he’d still be thrilled if others could recognize it. He’s only human.

I don’t think our accolades count for all that much. :-)

