OT - Manilow-connected updates
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2020-11-21 21:31:50 UTC
A few updates for those that worked with Barry at one time or another.

For those that are fans of Brian D'Arcy James, he's performing in a virtual play (with Laura Linney) hosed by the Kennedy Center on Dec 3 and the replay wil be available for 72 hours.

Tickets here:

Kyle Vincent released a new song.
We're Gonna Be Alright

Straight No Chaser's doing virtual shows from MGM Casino (8 miles away from me, but, alas, no studio audience). I checked. Phooey. They are going to have a virutal audience (of course) and I think you can pay to have your photo displayed on the chairs in the audience as well.

Check out www.sncmusic.com for details. 12/20 is their "all holiday" show.

(DC) Sharon
2020-11-23 05:18:57 UTC
Straight No Chaser's doing virtual shows from MGM Casino (8 miles away from me, but, alas, no studio audience). I checked. Phooey. They are going to have a virutal audience (of course) and I think you can pay to have your photo displayed on the chairs in the audience as well.
Check out www.sncmusic.com for details. 12/20 is their "all holiday" show.
Somehow, I'm on SNC's mailing list, so I got the notice for this series. You pay for access to the concert link and then you can pay extra for the audience display. Yes I like them but not enough for that arrangement. The new CD is pretty good, though.
2020-11-29 18:56:41 UTC

Just curious which new Straight No Chaser CD you’re talking about; they’ve put 2 out recently...their seemingly annual EP of non-Christmas songs, Open Bar, & their seemingly annual full length CD of Christmas songs, called Social Christmasing this year (I can’t figure out how they’re managing to do a new Christmas CD, like, every year & make the a capella arrangements different enough so it’s not boring from the last; sometimes it seems like Barry’s done a lot of holiday CDs, & he’s only done 3 since 1990–which only averages to 1 every 10 years).

On Monday, November 23, 2020 at 12:18:58 AM UTC-5, D wrote:—
Post by D
Straight No Chaser's doing virtual shows from MGM Casino (8 miles away from me, but, alas, no studio audience). I checked. Phooey. They are going to have a virutal audience (of course) and I think you can pay to have your photo displayed on the chairs in the audience as well.
Check out www.sncmusic.com for details. 12/20 is their "all holiday" show.
Somehow, I'm on SNC's mailing list, so I got the notice for this series. You pay for access to the concert link and then you can pay extra for the audience display. Yes I like them but not enough for that arrangement. The new CD is pretty good, though.
2020-12-01 05:52:57 UTC
Post by Carmen
Just curious which new Straight No Chaser CD you’re talking about; they’ve put 2 out recently...their seemingly annual EP of non-Christmas songs, Open Bar, & their seemingly annual full length CD of Christmas songs, called Social Christmasing this year (I can’t figure out how they’re managing to do a new Christmas CD, like, every year & make the a capella arrangements different enough so it’s not boring from the last; sometimes it seems like Barry’s done a lot of holiday CDs, & he’s only done 3 since 1990–which only averages to 1 every 10 years).
I was referring to "Social Christmasing." This is their fifth Christmas album, with the other ones being released in 2008, 2009, 2013, and 2016.
I'm not sure how often you're expecting an artist to release a Christmas album; your line about "1 every 10 years" reads like a complaint.
And look at it this way. Barbra Streisand has released all of TWO Christmas albums in her career. And she's been recording since 1962.
2020-12-01 15:00:07 UTC
And I wouldn't consider "3" to be "a lot". :-)

But -- none the matter. The Christmast Gift of Love(Boat) never sees the light of day in my playlist.
In the Swing of Christmas -- I wore out 2 copies playing that in the car, so there's that! When I was driving Uber, customers loved it.

(DC) Sharon
2020-12-01 21:23:40 UTC
I don’t consider 3 in 30 years a lot either. Especially not spaced 1 approximately every 10 years. Now SNC Music might be borderline on too many Christmas CDs, with 5 in 8(?) years.
And I wouldn't consider "3" to be "a lot". :-)
But -- none the matter. The Christmast Gift of Love(Boat) never sees the light of day in my playlist.
In the Swing of Christmas -- I wore out 2 copies playing that in the car, so there's that! When I was driving Uber, customers loved it.
(DC) Sharon
2020-12-08 04:34:12 UTC
Post by Carmen
I don’t consider 3 in 30 years a lot either. Especially not spaced 1 approximately every 10 years. Now SNC Music might be borderline on too many Christmas CDs, with 5 in 8(?) years.
And I wouldn't consider "3" to be "a lot". :-)
But -- none the matter. The Christmast Gift of Love(Boat) never sees the light of day in my playlist.
In the Swing of Christmas -- I wore out 2 copies playing that in the car, so there's that! When I was driving Uber, customers loved it.
(DC) Sharon
No problemo, Carmen! But yeah, SNC does seem to release a LOT of Christmas music, in comparison to other artists.
"Christmas Gift of Love Boat"... that's up there with "My Nightmare Singalong"... LOL
I'll admit I like his version of "My Favorite Things" even though it is NOT, and never was, a Christmas song! (That's a different debate...)
2020-12-01 21:16:19 UTC
I guess it just seems like SNC Music (whom I really like a lot, but can never see perform live here because they always book winter concert dates & those don’t go well with crutches & wheelchairs (maybe not entirely their fault—they have to take the date/s they can get) has put a Christmas CD out every year; but they’ve only put out 5, as you said.
My “line” about Barry’s Christmas CDs (I’m only counting the 3 original Christmas CDs, NOT the “Classic Christmas Album”, which was a compilation based on material from the original 3) coming out every 10 years, on the average, was NOT a “slam”. I was just pointing out that some artists who seem to do a new Christmas CD every year (as I thought SNC Music was doing) could space them out farther than that & still be successful with them.
Post by D
Post by Carmen
Just curious which new Straight No Chaser CD you’re talking about; they’ve put 2 out recently...their seemingly annual EP of non-Christmas songs, Open Bar, & their seemingly annual full length CD of Christmas songs, called Social Christmasing this year (I can’t figure out how they’re managing to do a new Christmas CD, like, every year & make the a capella arrangements different enough so it’s not boring from the last; sometimes it seems like Barry’s done a lot of holiday CDs, & he’s only done 3 since 1990–which only averages to 1 every 10 years).
I was referring to "Social Christmasing." This is their fifth Christmas album, with the other ones being released in 2008, 2009, 2013, and 2016.
I'm not sure how often you're expecting an artist to release a Christmas album; your line about "1 every 10 years" reads like a complaint.
And look at it this way. Barbra Streisand has released all of TWO Christmas albums in her career. And she's been recording since 1962.