(OT) U.S. Now Has More Known Cases Than Any Other Country
(too old to reply)
2020-03-26 22:42:25 UTC
Well thanks to Trump (I still can't say President and Trump together), the U.S. confirms the highest tally of coronavirus cases at 81,378, overtaking Italy and China, per Reuters (81,321, per the New York Times).


WHY is there STILL people supporting him?!?!?

Stay safe everyone,
2020-03-26 22:45:36 UTC
Post by bunny
Well thanks to Trump (I still can't say President and Trump together), the U.S. confirms the highest tally of coronavirus cases at 81,378, overtaking Italy and China, per Reuters (81,321, per the New York Times).
WHY are there STILL people supporting him?!?!?
Stay safe everyone,
2020-04-10 01:14:54 UTC
Post by bunny
Well thanks to Trump (I still can't say President and Trump together), the U.S. confirms the highest tally of coronavirus cases at 81,378, overtaking Italy and China, per Reuters (81,321, per the New York Times).
WHY is there STILL people supporting him?!?!?
Stay safe everyone,

There are around 35 to 40 percent of people who will support IL Douche no matter what he says or does, or how badly he handles this epidemic. He was told in January by his own intelligence agencies just how bad things could get with this virus but he chose to ignore them and believed what the president of China told him. As of now we have over 460,000 known cases and who knows how many are infected we don't know about, and over 16,000 have died that we know died of the virus. Trump had a chance to at least mitigate the spread before it got out of control but he chose to ignore the danger while he played golf, held rallies, and told his brain dead, knuckle dragging worshipers that it was a hoax created by the fake news and democrats.

So now everyone is paying the price whether they voted for him or not with job losses, possible exposure to the virus themselves, the loss of their home, and bankruptcy caused by medical bills if they become ill from the virus and have to be hospitalized. Thanks a lot to all of the non voters and those who voted third party because you effectively voted for Trump. We could have had a smart, compassionate, capable woman as president who would have held Russia accountable for its bad behavior around the world, and would have maintained good relationships with our allies, but her emails. God help us all, and may those of us who are able to, flush the turd on November 3rd.

