Mark Sanders performs his show "One Voce: The Music Of Barry Manilow" live onstage July 9-11 in Boca Raton, Florida
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2020-07-02 17:49:50 UTC
Although this is not a concert by Barry, I am still excited to see next week live (not livestream, but live and I will be wearing a mask as will all in the audience) actor/singer Mark Sanders who will be performing at The Wick Theatre in Boca Raton from July 9-11.
Mark will be performing both music from Broadway and the music of Barry Manilow on stage. Given that we are in a pandemic, the theatre will only allow 35 people in the audience and we will all be seated in tables that are at least six feet apart for the concert.
I have been to the Wick Theatre for another cabaret show last week and the environment is safe with all the staff (and audience) and each individual was given a temperature check before entering the venue. In addition, all the staff brought us food (this is a dinner show) in covered dishes.
I can't begin to tell you how good it feels to know you are safe and could see a performer not through a computer on on television, but live.
It is so exciting to feel socially active by going to a live concert again.
By the way, Mark Sanders intends on performing his "One Voice: The Music Of Barry Manilow" around the country once things are safe again.
You can check out how good Mark is singing Barry songs in a five minute promotional video of his show at www.marksandersonevoice.com and let me know your comments.
Have a happy 4th of July and may we all be safe. Regards, Marvin
2020-07-02 20:15:56 UTC
Post by marvin
Although this is not a concert by Barry, I am still excited to see next week live (not livestream, but live and I will be wearing a mask as will all in the audience) actor/singer Mark Sanders who will be performing at The Wick Theatre in Boca Raton from July 9-11.
Mark will be performing both music from Broadway and the music of Barry Manilow on stage. Given that we are in a pandemic, the theatre will only allow 35 people in the audience and we will all be seated in tables that are at least six feet apart for the concert.
I have been to the Wick Theatre for another cabaret show last week and the environment is safe with all the staff (and audience) and each individual was given a temperature check before entering the venue. In addition, all the staff brought us food (this is a dinner show) in covered dishes.
I can't begin to tell you how good it feels to know you are safe and could see a performer not through a computer on on television, but live.
It is so exciting to feel socially active by going to a live concert again.
By the way, Mark Sanders intends on performing his "One Voice: The Music Of Barry Manilow" around the country once things are safe again.
You can check out how good Mark is singing Barry songs in a five minute promotional video of his show at www.marksandersonevoice.com and let me know your comments.
Have a happy 4th of July and may we all be safe. Regards, Marvin
Have a great time, Marvin!

