Who else misses getting your BarryGram in the mail?
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Beth Bean
2020-09-26 18:17:06 UTC
I know in this day and age of the internet and social media, news gets old fast. However I miss the excitement of getting the BarryGram in mail and our fan club renewal kit. Ah those were the days.

Brenda Meskunas
2020-09-27 03:24:23 UTC
Post by Beth Bean
I know in this day and age of the internet and social media, news gets old fast. However I miss the excitement of getting the BarryGram in mail and our fan club renewal kit. Ah those were the days.
I especially miss the print Barrygrams that had the Manilow Q&A columns. At least back then we had the illusion Barry wanted to interact with his fans (you know, without it costing a couple grand a pop.)

2020-09-28 05:33:55 UTC
Post by Beth Bean
I know in this day and age of the internet and social media, news gets old fast. However I miss the excitement of getting the BarryGram in mail and our fan club renewal kit. Ah those were the days.
I especially miss the print Barrygrams that had the Manilow Q&A columns. At least back then we had the illusion Barry wanted to interact with his fans (you know, without it costing a couple grand a pop.)
Trying to remember... the BarryGrams stoped waaaay back... around 1990 maybe? (taking a wild guess) I think my last year of BMIFC membership was '92 and I seem to remember BarryGrams had gone from 4 a year to once every blue moon by then...
But yeah. It was nice to pretend that BarryCo, Inc. cared about fans more than money.
2020-09-28 17:32:53 UTC
Post by Beth Bean
I know in this day and age of the internet and social media, news gets old fast. However I miss the excitement of getting the BarryGram in mail and our fan club renewal kit. Ah those were the days.
Full Disclosure: I never received the original BarryGrams. However, I do enjoy the monthly email B-Grams. I appreciate that Barryland makes the effort to keep us informed of show dates, etc., especially important in these uncertain times. And Yes, there's product promo but that doesn't bother me. In fact I rather like it.

I understand people missing the paper Grams; I miss getting my favorite magazines - thick, glossy magazines! - in the mail. Times have changed. Everything's online now. Reading content online is not the same as holding paper.

But, there are upsides: saving trees, on-line shopping (non-Barry-related), being able to communicate with people daily, often in real time, via social media, looking up information immediately (fuck those card catalogues and Dewey decimal system!), streaming music anywhere anytime, to name a few.

I'm just happy Mr M's still out there performing and staying in touch with the fans; electronically or otherwise.

2020-09-29 04:32:14 UTC
On Monday, September 28, 2020 at 1:32:55 PM UTC-4, annielove... wrote (in part):
...looking up information immediately (fuck those card catalogues and Dewey decimal system!), streaming music anywhere anytime, to name a few.

Umm... umm...
Okay. You got me on the physical card catalogs. Those things were a real pain to keep updated and god help any poor library worker if they dropped a drawer while the rod was out. But the Dewey decimal system was always easier for me than LC cataloging. I even still remember some of the numbers for stuff I'm interested in. (797.23, anyone? 781.6 / 782?)

And I still prefer holding a physical CD in my hands although I admit I've ripped all the tracks I like into iTunes, and then the CD just sits on a shelf or in a box.
Still waiting for the six bins of Sarah's collection, BTW. (That's how many her husband tells me there are, anyway)

Oh well. To each, etc.
