On Mon, 18 Oct 2021 23:02:07 +0200, The Peeler
Nothing as cheerful as Nazis face down in the Russian mud!
2021 Score Card for Gordon Radovich
# of Jews holocausted to date - 0
# of subhumans deported to date - 0
# of people Gordon has "kicked off" of Usenet - 0
# of times Gordon has been humiliated on Usenet - [infinity]
# of years Gordon has hid from Barry - 16
# of years Gordon has hid from Chris Morton - 20+
"Yes. You WILL hide...jewbois always DO! But to no avail...you WILL
get 'holocausted'® regardless!"
-Gordon claiming in May of 2017 that he'd Holocaust us and didn't need our address.
Yet he's had Barry's address for almost TWO DECADES!!!
-Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>