OT - diving pic for Miss Annie
(too old to reply)
2020-12-27 00:21:09 UTC
Hey there Miss Annie!

Hope you (and everyone else on here) had a good holiday, whatever you celebrate.

Thought of you after my latest scuba class. They took a new picture of me... right on top of the main drain at the bottom of the deep end. Yeah I had all my gear on and it was all working properly but I thought of you wishing me down there. (insert HUGE grin here)
The dive shop even put the picture on their Facebook page!
Next class I get to demonstrate that I can remove and replace my mask while I'm down there... oh joy.

2020-12-31 18:58:54 UTC
Post by D
Hey there Miss Annie!
Hope you (and everyone else on here) had a good holiday, whatever you celebrate.
Thought of you after my latest scuba class. They took a new picture of me... right on top of the main drain at the bottom of the deep end. Yeah I had all my gear on and it was all working properly but I thought of you wishing me down there. (insert HUGE grin here)
The dive shop even put the picture on their Facebook page!
Next class I get to demonstrate that I can remove and replace my mask while I'm down there... oh joy.
Hi D

Proud of you! confronting your fears full on is seriously awesome. Sending best wishes for a good new year and continued fearlessness

2021-01-02 05:10:32 UTC
Hi there... may 2021 be better for ALL of us! :-)
For anyone interested in seeing the latest pic of me in the pool, look up Patriot Scuba on Facebook. There's a pic of me and my instructor that was posted before Christmas.
2021-01-02 05:17:47 UTC
Thank you!

May 2021 be a better year for ALL of us!!!

Pic: https://www.facebook.com/patriotscuba/photos/a.179709775416204/3539369242783557/