Blogging July 4th with Mr M....
(too old to reply)
2020-07-05 23:02:37 UTC
watching the CNN 4th of July show now, having gotten home after working all weekend. Tired, but looking forward to seeing Mr M sing to us. I'm expecting to hear WTGTCA, but I'll take anything.

I know the exact time Mr M appears during this 4 hour extravaganza thanks to my Mom. Driving home last night just before midnight when I get a phone call from Mom, reporting in to inform me that Barry Manilow appeared at about 11:15, and that he looks good, having gained some weight, which according to Mom he definitely needed to do. Anywaaaay Mom thought the more voluptuous Barry looked and sounded fantastic, and definitely worth staying up for even though she likes to be in bed by 10......so there's that.

Queue up the DVR and let's watch this!

Thanks to my Mummy, I am fast forwarding through the first 3 hours of .....fireworks.....performers who are NOTBARRY.....

Carlos Santana's version of "Imagine" which actually looks awesome but I just wanna see Mr M before I crash for 9 hours straight so I'll get back to that at some point.....

We should be coming up to Mr M, if my Mom is correct, and of course she always is....

Pat Benatar. Wow, she's really mellowed out since her rocker days. Still has the voice. I like this lullabye version of "We Belong".

BARRY! No intro just the opening chords that are iconic Manilow over the word HOPE.

Wow, he does look good. Facial fillers or a couple extra pounds? IDK but looks good on him.

WTGTCA, of course. Singing over images of pandemic life as we now know it.

I have to say, this is really moving and sort of beautiful.

I love Barry Manilow; he brings all the feels all the time.

I'm not crying you're crying.....and Dana Bash is crying too.

Aaaaand more fireworks......more NOTBARRYs...…

Methinks that is all the fanilows are going to get tonight.

So good to see Mr M.

And now I'm out; I need sleep.....and maybe dreams of seeing Mr M again live, probs in Vegas, and maybe a platinum if the opportunity presents itself.


2020-07-07 00:07:40 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
watching the CNN 4th of July show now, having gotten home after working all weekend. Tired, but looking forward to seeing Mr M sing to us. I'm expecting to hear WTGTCA, but I'll take anything.
I know the exact time Mr M appears during this 4 hour extravaganza thanks to my Mom. Driving home last night just before midnight when I get a phone call from Mom, reporting in to inform me that Barry Manilow appeared at about 11:15, and that he looks good, having gained some weight, which according to Mom he definitely needed to do. Anywaaaay Mom thought the more voluptuous Barry looked and sounded fantastic, and definitely worth staying up for even though she likes to be in bed by 10......so there's that.
Queue up the DVR and let's watch this!
Thanks to my Mummy, I am fast forwarding through the first 3 hours of .....fireworks.....performers who are NOTBARRY.....
Carlos Santana's version of "Imagine" which actually looks awesome but I just wanna see Mr M before I crash for 9 hours straight so I'll get back to that at some point.....
We should be coming up to Mr M, if my Mom is correct, and of course she always is....
Pat Benatar. Wow, she's really mellowed out since her rocker days. Still has the voice. I like this lullabye version of "We Belong".
BARRY! No intro just the opening chords that are iconic Manilow over the word HOPE.
Wow, he does look good. Facial fillers or a couple extra pounds? IDK but looks good on him.
WTGTCA, of course. Singing over images of pandemic life as we now know it.
I have to say, this is really moving and sort of beautiful.
I love Barry Manilow; he brings all the feels all the time.
I'm not crying you're crying.....and Dana Bash is crying too.
Aaaaand more fireworks......more NOTBARRYs...…
Methinks that is all the fanilows are going to get tonight.
So good to see Mr M.
And now I'm out; I need sleep.....and maybe dreams of seeing Mr M again live, probs in Vegas, and maybe a platinum if the opportunity presents itself.
Well, it speaks to how tired I was last night that I omitted a crucial detail when writing this...…

Mr M was wearing the purple shirt again.

This got me thinking. Mr M wears a lot of purple. Does this mean something?

When Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech back in 2016, after losing to the AntiChrist, she wore purple. I remember reading that this color was a deliberate choice on her part. Purple is the spectral combo of red and blue, so was symbolic of the unity of both the Republican (red) and Democratic (blue) parties.

So, similarly, is this why Mr M chose to wear purple on this July 4th?

Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?

Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?

Or maybe the purple shirt was clean and did not need ironing and he was in a hurry? (which is how 99% of my off-duty wardrobe choices are made.
Stars. They're just like us!)

Am I overthinking this? (spoiler alert: yes)

Anyway, Mr M wore purple, was in same room at Casa di Manilow as during previous pandemic curtain calls. The room was not as well lit as in previous appearances for some reason.

I hope this makes up for the earlier omission. To quote Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, "God is in the details"

Kristen Cladek
2020-07-17 03:15:06 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by a***@gmail.com
watching the CNN 4th of July show now, having gotten home after working all weekend. Tired, but looking forward to seeing Mr M sing to us. I'm expecting to hear WTGTCA, but I'll take anything.
I know the exact time Mr M appears during this 4 hour extravaganza thanks to my Mom. Driving home last night just before midnight when I get a phone call from Mom, reporting in to inform me that Barry Manilow appeared at about 11:15, and that he looks good, having gained some weight, which according to Mom he definitely needed to do. Anywaaaay Mom thought the more voluptuous Barry looked and sounded fantastic, and definitely worth staying up for even though she likes to be in bed by 10......so there's that.
Queue up the DVR and let's watch this!
Thanks to my Mummy, I am fast forwarding through the first 3 hours of .....fireworks.....performers who are NOTBARRY.....
Carlos Santana's version of "Imagine" which actually looks awesome but I just wanna see Mr M before I crash for 9 hours straight so I'll get back to that at some point.....
We should be coming up to Mr M, if my Mom is correct, and of course she always is....
Pat Benatar. Wow, she's really mellowed out since her rocker days. Still has the voice. I like this lullabye version of "We Belong".
BARRY! No intro just the opening chords that are iconic Manilow over the word HOPE.
Wow, he does look good. Facial fillers or a couple extra pounds? IDK but looks good on him.
WTGTCA, of course. Singing over images of pandemic life as we now know it.
I have to say, this is really moving and sort of beautiful.
I love Barry Manilow; he brings all the feels all the time.
I'm not crying you're crying.....and Dana Bash is crying too.
Aaaaand more fireworks......more NOTBARRYs...…
Methinks that is all the fanilows are going to get tonight.
So good to see Mr M.
And now I'm out; I need sleep.....and maybe dreams of seeing Mr M again live, probs in Vegas, and maybe a platinum if the opportunity presents itself.
Well, it speaks to how tired I was last night that I omitted a crucial detail when writing this...…
Mr M was wearing the purple shirt again.
This got me thinking. Mr M wears a lot of purple. Does this mean something?
When Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech back in 2016, after losing to the AntiChrist, she wore purple. I remember reading that this color was a deliberate choice on her part. Purple is the spectral combo of red and blue, so was symbolic of the unity of both the Republican (red) and Democratic (blue) parties.
So, similarly, is this why Mr M chose to wear purple on this July 4th?
Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?
Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?
Or maybe the purple shirt was clean and did not need ironing and he was in a hurry? (which is how 99% of my off-duty wardrobe choices are made.
Stars. They're just like us!)
Am I overthinking this? (spoiler alert: yes)
Anyway, Mr M wore purple, was in same room at Casa di Manilow as during previous pandemic curtain calls. The room was not as well lit as in previous appearances for some reason.
I hope this makes up for the earlier omission. To quote Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, "God is in the details"
I was curious about the purple too. He was wearing blue for some of his TV appearance. I was surprised since his go to is always black. I guess black travels better than other colors, he doesn't have to worry about that being quarantined.
I'm more curious about his hair. We know he's not naturally that blonde at his age. Is Garry doing his hair? because that would be adorable.

Jim UK
2020-07-22 19:01:01 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by a***@gmail.com
watching the CNN 4th of July show now, having gotten home after working all weekend. Tired, but looking forward to seeing Mr M sing to us. I'm expecting to hear WTGTCA, but I'll take anything.
I know the exact time Mr M appears during this 4 hour extravaganza thanks to my Mom. Driving home last night just before midnight when I get a phone call from Mom, reporting in to inform me that Barry Manilow appeared at about 11:15, and that he looks good, having gained some weight, which according to Mom he definitely needed to do. Anywaaaay Mom thought the more voluptuous Barry looked and sounded fantastic, and definitely worth staying up for even though she likes to be in bed by 10......so there's that.
Queue up the DVR and let's watch this!
Thanks to my Mummy, I am fast forwarding through the first 3 hours of .....fireworks.....performers who are NOTBARRY.....
Carlos Santana's version of "Imagine" which actually looks awesome but I just wanna see Mr M before I crash for 9 hours straight so I'll get back to that at some point.....
We should be coming up to Mr M, if my Mom is correct, and of course she always is....
Pat Benatar. Wow, she's really mellowed out since her rocker days. Still has the voice. I like this lullabye version of "We Belong".
BARRY! No intro just the opening chords that are iconic Manilow over the word HOPE.
Wow, he does look good. Facial fillers or a couple extra pounds? IDK but looks good on him.
WTGTCA, of course. Singing over images of pandemic life as we now know it.
I have to say, this is really moving and sort of beautiful.
I love Barry Manilow; he brings all the feels all the time.
I'm not crying you're crying.....and Dana Bash is crying too.
Aaaaand more fireworks......more NOTBARRYs...…
Methinks that is all the fanilows are going to get tonight.
So good to see Mr M.
And now I'm out; I need sleep.....and maybe dreams of seeing Mr M again live, probs in Vegas, and maybe a platinum if the opportunity presents itself.
Well, it speaks to how tired I was last night that I omitted a crucial detail when writing this...…
Mr M was wearing the purple shirt again.
This got me thinking. Mr M wears a lot of purple. Does this mean something?
When Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech back in 2016, after losing to the AntiChrist, she wore purple. I remember reading that this color was a deliberate choice on her part. Purple is the spectral combo of red and blue, so was symbolic of the unity of both the Republican (red) and Democratic (blue) parties.
So, similarly, is this why Mr M chose to wear purple on this July 4th?
Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?
Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?
Or maybe the purple shirt was clean and did not need ironing and he was in a hurry? (which is how 99% of my off-duty wardrobe choices are made.
Stars. They're just like us!)
Am I overthinking this? (spoiler alert: yes)
Anyway, Mr M wore purple, was in same room at Casa di Manilow as during previous pandemic curtain calls. The room was not as well lit as in previous appearances for some reason.
I hope this makes up for the earlier omission. To quote Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, "God is in the details"
Barry wears a lot of purple. Yes, it means that he likes purple. D'uh.

"Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?"

Purple means nothing to the LGBT community. What on earth makes you think that? Maybe if he wore a rainbow suit...

And your next comment made me almost want to throw up my dinner:

"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"

That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
2020-07-23 00:39:22 UTC
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by a***@gmail.com
watching the CNN 4th of July show now, having gotten home after working all weekend. Tired, but looking forward to seeing Mr M sing to us. I'm expecting to hear WTGTCA, but I'll take anything.
I know the exact time Mr M appears during this 4 hour extravaganza thanks to my Mom. Driving home last night just before midnight when I get a phone call from Mom, reporting in to inform me that Barry Manilow appeared at about 11:15, and that he looks good, having gained some weight, which according to Mom he definitely needed to do. Anywaaaay Mom thought the more voluptuous Barry looked and sounded fantastic, and definitely worth staying up for even though she likes to be in bed by 10......so there's that.
Queue up the DVR and let's watch this!
Thanks to my Mummy, I am fast forwarding through the first 3 hours of .....fireworks.....performers who are NOTBARRY.....
Carlos Santana's version of "Imagine" which actually looks awesome but I just wanna see Mr M before I crash for 9 hours straight so I'll get back to that at some point.....
We should be coming up to Mr M, if my Mom is correct, and of course she always is....
Pat Benatar. Wow, she's really mellowed out since her rocker days. Still has the voice. I like this lullabye version of "We Belong".
BARRY! No intro just the opening chords that are iconic Manilow over the word HOPE.
Wow, he does look good. Facial fillers or a couple extra pounds? IDK but looks good on him.
WTGTCA, of course. Singing over images of pandemic life as we now know it.
I have to say, this is really moving and sort of beautiful.
I love Barry Manilow; he brings all the feels all the time.
I'm not crying you're crying.....and Dana Bash is crying too.
Aaaaand more fireworks......more NOTBARRYs...…
Methinks that is all the fanilows are going to get tonight.
So good to see Mr M.
And now I'm out; I need sleep.....and maybe dreams of seeing Mr M again live, probs in Vegas, and maybe a platinum if the opportunity presents itself.
Well, it speaks to how tired I was last night that I omitted a crucial detail when writing this...…
Mr M was wearing the purple shirt again.
This got me thinking. Mr M wears a lot of purple. Does this mean something?
When Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech back in 2016, after losing to the AntiChrist, she wore purple. I remember reading that this color was a deliberate choice on her part. Purple is the spectral combo of red and blue, so was symbolic of the unity of both the Republican (red) and Democratic (blue) parties.
So, similarly, is this why Mr M chose to wear purple on this July 4th?
Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?
Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?
Or maybe the purple shirt was clean and did not need ironing and he was in a hurry? (which is how 99% of my off-duty wardrobe choices are made.
Stars. They're just like us!)
Am I overthinking this? (spoiler alert: yes)
Anyway, Mr M wore purple, was in same room at Casa di Manilow as during previous pandemic curtain calls. The room was not as well lit as in previous appearances for some reason.
I hope this makes up for the earlier omission. To quote Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, "God is in the details"
Barry wears a lot of purple. Yes, it means that he likes purple. D'uh.
"Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?"
Purple means nothing to the LGBT community. What on earth makes you think that? Maybe if he wore a rainbow suit...




Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
2020-07-23 02:08:00 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by a***@gmail.com
watching the CNN 4th of July show now, having gotten home after working all weekend. Tired, but looking forward to seeing Mr M sing to us. I'm expecting to hear WTGTCA, but I'll take anything.
I know the exact time Mr M appears during this 4 hour extravaganza thanks to my Mom. Driving home last night just before midnight when I get a phone call from Mom, reporting in to inform me that Barry Manilow appeared at about 11:15, and that he looks good, having gained some weight, which according to Mom he definitely needed to do. Anywaaaay Mom thought the more voluptuous Barry looked and sounded fantastic, and definitely worth staying up for even though she likes to be in bed by 10......so there's that.
Queue up the DVR and let's watch this!
Thanks to my Mummy, I am fast forwarding through the first 3 hours of .....fireworks.....performers who are NOTBARRY.....
Carlos Santana's version of "Imagine" which actually looks awesome but I just wanna see Mr M before I crash for 9 hours straight so I'll get back to that at some point.....
We should be coming up to Mr M, if my Mom is correct, and of course she always is....
Pat Benatar. Wow, she's really mellowed out since her rocker days. Still has the voice. I like this lullabye version of "We Belong".
BARRY! No intro just the opening chords that are iconic Manilow over the word HOPE.
Wow, he does look good. Facial fillers or a couple extra pounds? IDK but looks good on him.
WTGTCA, of course. Singing over images of pandemic life as we now know it.
I have to say, this is really moving and sort of beautiful.
I love Barry Manilow; he brings all the feels all the time.
I'm not crying you're crying.....and Dana Bash is crying too.
Aaaaand more fireworks......more NOTBARRYs...…
Methinks that is all the fanilows are going to get tonight.
So good to see Mr M.
And now I'm out; I need sleep.....and maybe dreams of seeing Mr M again live, probs in Vegas, and maybe a platinum if the opportunity presents itself.
Well, it speaks to how tired I was last night that I omitted a crucial detail when writing this...…
Mr M was wearing the purple shirt again.
This got me thinking. Mr M wears a lot of purple. Does this mean something?
When Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech back in 2016, after losing to the AntiChrist, she wore purple. I remember reading that this color was a deliberate choice on her part. Purple is the spectral combo of red and blue, so was symbolic of the unity of both the Republican (red) and Democratic (blue) parties.
So, similarly, is this why Mr M chose to wear purple on this July 4th?
Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?
Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?
Or maybe the purple shirt was clean and did not need ironing and he was in a hurry? (which is how 99% of my off-duty wardrobe choices are made.
Stars. They're just like us!)
Am I overthinking this? (spoiler alert: yes)
Anyway, Mr M wore purple, was in same room at Casa di Manilow as during previous pandemic curtain calls. The room was not as well lit as in previous appearances for some reason.
I hope this makes up for the earlier omission. To quote Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, "God is in the details"
Barry wears a lot of purple. Yes, it means that he likes purple. D'uh.
"Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?"
Purple means nothing to the LGBT community. What on earth makes you think that? Maybe if he wore a rainbow suit...
Oh right. But you'd NEVER tell anyone that you know more about gay people than actual gay people do... and anyone who suggests it is lying. (insert rolling eyes emoji)
Jim UK
2020-07-23 04:03:53 UTC
Post by D
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by a***@gmail.com
watching the CNN 4th of July show now, having gotten home after working all weekend. Tired, but looking forward to seeing Mr M sing to us. I'm expecting to hear WTGTCA, but I'll take anything.
I know the exact time Mr M appears during this 4 hour extravaganza thanks to my Mom. Driving home last night just before midnight when I get a phone call from Mom, reporting in to inform me that Barry Manilow appeared at about 11:15, and that he looks good, having gained some weight, which according to Mom he definitely needed to do. Anywaaaay Mom thought the more voluptuous Barry looked and sounded fantastic, and definitely worth staying up for even though she likes to be in bed by 10......so there's that.
Queue up the DVR and let's watch this!
Thanks to my Mummy, I am fast forwarding through the first 3 hours of .....fireworks.....performers who are NOTBARRY.....
Carlos Santana's version of "Imagine" which actually looks awesome but I just wanna see Mr M before I crash for 9 hours straight so I'll get back to that at some point.....
We should be coming up to Mr M, if my Mom is correct, and of course she always is....
Pat Benatar. Wow, she's really mellowed out since her rocker days. Still has the voice. I like this lullabye version of "We Belong".
BARRY! No intro just the opening chords that are iconic Manilow over the word HOPE.
Wow, he does look good. Facial fillers or a couple extra pounds? IDK but looks good on him.
WTGTCA, of course. Singing over images of pandemic life as we now know it.
I have to say, this is really moving and sort of beautiful.
I love Barry Manilow; he brings all the feels all the time.
I'm not crying you're crying.....and Dana Bash is crying too.
Aaaaand more fireworks......more NOTBARRYs...…
Methinks that is all the fanilows are going to get tonight.
So good to see Mr M.
And now I'm out; I need sleep.....and maybe dreams of seeing Mr M again live, probs in Vegas, and maybe a platinum if the opportunity presents itself.
Well, it speaks to how tired I was last night that I omitted a crucial detail when writing this...…
Mr M was wearing the purple shirt again.
This got me thinking. Mr M wears a lot of purple. Does this mean something?
When Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech back in 2016, after losing to the AntiChrist, she wore purple. I remember reading that this color was a deliberate choice on her part. Purple is the spectral combo of red and blue, so was symbolic of the unity of both the Republican (red) and Democratic (blue) parties.
So, similarly, is this why Mr M chose to wear purple on this July 4th?
Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?
Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?
Or maybe the purple shirt was clean and did not need ironing and he was in a hurry? (which is how 99% of my off-duty wardrobe choices are made.
Stars. They're just like us!)
Am I overthinking this? (spoiler alert: yes)
Anyway, Mr M wore purple, was in same room at Casa di Manilow as during previous pandemic curtain calls. The room was not as well lit as in previous appearances for some reason.
I hope this makes up for the earlier omission. To quote Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, "God is in the details"
Barry wears a lot of purple. Yes, it means that he likes purple. D'uh.
"Or perhaps he wore purple as a subtle shout-out to the LGBT community?"
Purple means nothing to the LGBT community. What on earth makes you think that? Maybe if he wore a rainbow suit...
Oh right. But you'd NEVER tell anyone that you know more about gay people than actual gay people do... and anyone who suggests it is lying. (insert rolling eyes emoji)
Annie, I am a gay man and of course I know how gay people think. And we do not go crazy over purple shirts. You know nothing and are so ignorant so quit now before you embarrass yourself even more.
Jim UK
2020-07-24 11:27:29 UTC
D, bizarre isn’t it? One rule for her, one for the rest of us.

Jim UK
2020-07-23 04:12:01 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Searching websites for gay articles now Annie? Wow! Are you frigging yourself off over gay porn too? Fantasising that Garry Kief is on the screen blowing you kisses? Get help.
The rainbow flag is what gay men have adopted as their symbol. The fact it has a purple stripe is nothing to do with Garry Kief wearing a purple shirt. You are so ridiculous it is unreal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
2020-07-23 14:20:25 UTC
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Searching websites for gay articles now Annie? Wow! Are you frigging yourself off over gay porn too? Fantasising that Garry Kief is on the screen blowing you kisses? Get help.
The rainbow flag is what gay men have adopted as their symbol. The fact it has a purple stripe is nothing to do with Garry Kief wearing a purple shirt. You are so ridiculous it is unreal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.

Jim -- step the hell away from the computer. Your disdain for Annie is just as obsessive and bizarre as you think she is, what with your constantly rude and obnoxious responses to her posts. We get it. Now get control of yourself. Disagree and move on.
2020-07-23 14:32:38 UTC
Post by q***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Searching websites for gay articles now Annie? Wow! Are you frigging yourself off over gay porn too? Fantasising that Garry Kief is on the screen blowing you kisses? Get help.
The rainbow flag is what gay men have adopted as their symbol. The fact it has a purple stripe is nothing to do with Garry Kief wearing a purple shirt. You are so ridiculous it is unreal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
Jim -- step the hell away from the computer. Your disdain for Annie is just as obsessive and bizarre as you think she is, what with your constantly rude and obnoxious responses to her posts. We get it. Now get control of yourself. Disagree and move on.
Thank you, Q. Although I can always speak up for myself, in this case I appreciate the support.

Frankly I would be concerned if Jim were not living across the pond from me.
I suppose this sort of thing happens from time to time on the internet.

One of my friends who is an attorney visited this ng this morning as a favor to me, and he will be watching further posts for awhile. Hopefully it ends here.

Jim UK
2020-07-23 14:35:45 UTC
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Searching websites for gay articles now Annie? Wow! Are you frigging yourself off over gay porn too? Fantasising that Garry Kief is on the screen blowing you kisses? Get help.
The rainbow flag is what gay men have adopted as their symbol. The fact it has a purple stripe is nothing to do with Garry Kief wearing a purple shirt. You are so ridiculous it is unreal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
Jim -- step the hell away from the computer. Your disdain for Annie is just as obsessive and bizarre as you think she is, what with your constantly rude and obnoxious responses to her posts. We get it. Now get control of yourself. Disagree and move on.
Thank you, Q. Although I can always speak up for myself, in this case I appreciate the support.
Frankly I would be concerned if Jim were not living across the pond from me.
I suppose this sort of thing happens from time to time on the internet.
One of my friends who is an attorney visited this ng this morning as a favor to me, and he will be watching further posts for awhile. Hopefully it ends here.
Oh Annie, do shut the fuck up. You started this with your ridiculous obsessive posts. Your attorney watches these posts? Good! Let him tell me where I have said anything illegal or threatening. I haven't.
2020-07-24 04:35:32 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by q***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Searching websites for gay articles now Annie? Wow! Are you frigging yourself off over gay porn too? Fantasising that Garry Kief is on the screen blowing you kisses? Get help.
The rainbow flag is what gay men have adopted as their symbol. The fact it has a purple stripe is nothing to do with Garry Kief wearing a purple shirt. You are so ridiculous it is unreal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
Jim -- step the hell away from the computer. Your disdain for Annie is just as obsessive and bizarre as you think she is, what with your constantly rude and obnoxious responses to her posts. We get it. Now get control of yourself. Disagree and move on.
Thank you, Q. Although I can always speak up for myself, in this case I appreciate the support.
Frankly I would be concerned if Jim were not living across the pond from me.
I suppose this sort of thing happens from time to time on the internet.
One of my friends who is an attorney visited this ng this morning as a favor to me, and he will be watching further posts for awhile. Hopefully it ends here.
I've said what I had to say, but wow.
We jump from "I can say whatever I want"...
to "people (specifically, me) are telling lies about me (Annie)"...
and now we're at "having an attorney look at things."

For someone who claims to hate Trump, she sure seems to imitate him a lot.
Cheers, y'all.
Jim UK
2020-07-23 14:33:37 UTC
Well thank you for that advice! And mind your own business.
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Searching websites for gay articles now Annie? Wow! Are you frigging yourself off over gay porn too? Fantasising that Garry Kief is on the screen blowing you kisses? Get help.
The rainbow flag is what gay men have adopted as their symbol. The fact it has a purple stripe is nothing to do with Garry Kief wearing a purple shirt. You are so ridiculous it is unreal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
Jim -- step the hell away from the computer. Your disdain for Annie is just as obsessive and bizarre as you think she is, what with your constantly rude and obnoxious responses to her posts. We get it. Now get control of yourself. Disagree and move on.
2020-07-24 01:20:11 UTC
Post by Jim UK
Well thank you for that advice! And mind your own business.
Post by Jim UK
Post by a***@gmail.com
Searching websites for gay articles now Annie? Wow! Are you frigging yourself off over gay porn too? Fantasising that Garry Kief is on the screen blowing you kisses? Get help.
The rainbow flag is what gay men have adopted as their symbol. The fact it has a purple stripe is nothing to do with Garry Kief wearing a purple shirt. You are so ridiculous it is unreal.
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
"Or maybe purple is the handsome hubs' favorite color and Mr M likes to please his man?"
That comment is repulsive and irritating. Annie, what is wrong with you? You have serious issues. Get help for fuck's sake.
Jim -- step the hell away from the computer. Your disdain for Annie is just as obsessive and bizarre as you think she is, what with your constantly rude and obnoxious responses to her posts. We get it. Now get control of yourself. Disagree and move on.

That wasn't very nice.
Jim UK
2020-07-24 11:26:18 UTC