Post by Brenda MPost by jtmtjI don't think "Once Upon A Time" has ever been, officially, released,
so Manilow radio is a possible source for this Youtube posting. I'm
sure Barry will be thrilled to see his copyright infringed this way.
No doubt .... but in terms of copyright infringement, I think this is
the least of Barry's problems.
When I was at the show last week, I swear I counted at least a dozen
people in my section videotaping the show with their phones or their
I did see a couple of security guards warn one woman to put her camera
down, but c'mon ... they can't police everybody.
The digital age has made people arrogant... and they seemingly just
don't give a damn anymore.
Brenda, you kinda make it sound like this is a new problem. People
have been recording shows, both audio and video, since they first
invented recorders. I personally knew a fan back in the late 80's ,
early 90's, who would take her top of the line Walkman to the shows in
her evening bag, then when the lights went down, the recorder went on
her lap, with a piece of black tape over the red power light. I'm sure
a lot of us wouldn't remember some of the more memorable shows if we
hadn't seen/heard bootleg tapes over the years.
It's not that people don't give a damn. I think people don't
understand why it's such a big deal. Yes, management states no
recording, and yes, it's wrong to do it, but it's not like Barry is
singing anything new or unrecorded that might be pirated. And I
certainly don't think anyone is selling the videos they're recording,
so it's not lost income or royalty fees.
I remember way back when people used to argue the right or wrong of
bootlegs, and people would point out that Barry himself attempted to
bootleg Bette's concerts, and paid big bucks for someone to do it for
him. Sauce for the goose, and all that.
CA Sharon