Manilow still "holding" September 2020 dates
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2020-07-17 04:53:44 UTC

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Manilow still holding

A superstar headlining booking to watch is Barry Manilow’s 2020 dates at Westgate Las Vegas’s International Theater. Manilow is still scheduled for 24 performances beginning Sept. 17 through Dec. 5. This is a “barometer” residency, the most extensive headlining run still in the books this year in town. We will have made remarkable strides against COVID if Manilow’s shows come off as scheduled.

(DC) Sharon
Brenda M
2020-07-19 02:31:56 UTC
I wouldn’t bet on them happening, based on how poorly the U.S. is handling the pandemic.

This just blows. I am so sick of face masks, social distancing and staying indoors. Every day at work I talk to widows who’ve lost their husbands to Covid. There’s just no getting away from it. :-(

Stay healthy, everyone!

2020-07-20 01:14:37 UTC
Post by Brenda M
I wouldn’t bet on them happening, based on how poorly the U.S. is handling the pandemic.
This just blows. I am so sick of face masks, social distancing and staying indoors. Every day at work I talk to widows who’ve lost their husbands to Covid. There’s just no getting away from it. :-(
Stay healthy, everyone!
I think most of us are tired of masks, distancing, and whatnot.
Problem is... as long as we have these idiots insisting that nobody can tell them what to do, because trying to stop a pandemic is somehow taking away their "rights"... the longer it's going to take.
Having a mis-administration who takes absolutely NO responsibility and thinks stopping testing means fewer cases, which in turn means a better chance of getting re-elected... doesn't help.

This is NOT meant to start another political discussion.
2020-07-21 01:11:51 UTC
Post by dcsharon
(snip to)
Manilow still holding
A superstar headlining booking to watch is Barry Manilow’s 2020 dates at Westgate Las Vegas’s International Theater. Manilow is still scheduled for 24 performances beginning Sept. 17 through Dec. 5. This is a “barometer” residency, the most extensive headlining run still in the books this year in town. We will have made remarkable strides against COVID if Manilow’s shows come off as scheduled.
(DC) Sharon
I sincerely hope these shows are cancelled!

I wanted to purchase platinums for my sister and me in October for my birthday, but no way will it be safe to travel and be in crowds. Not worth the risk.

I hope MR M and company stay safe and cancel these shows. It's not safe for Mr M to be around people.

Brenda M
2020-07-21 02:04:10 UTC

I completely agree.

Barry’s safety is number 1 ... and everyone else’s.

Stay well.

2020-07-22 01:36:12 UTC
In January, I purchased a Platinum for late June, which got rescheduled to the first week of December. I'm now wondering if *that* date will get moved.

BTW .... anyone listening to Barry's interview with Jimmy Jam on SiriusXM Volume? Really good, and Jimmy is a total fanboy !!

2020-07-22 19:00:32 UTC
Vicki, did he say anything new in the interview?
2020-07-23 00:57:06 UTC
He kind of did. He's working with an EDM group (have to relisten to get the name) on a song that he said will be on their next album.

I'd love for him to do a whole EDM/electronica album. Something totally unexpected, like Paradise Cafe was.

2020-07-23 01:11:26 UTC
The group (duo, actually) is named Claptone. From their bio:

Claptone is a German DJ and producer duo which specializes in house and tech house genres. They are recognizable by their plague doctor-style golden mask, which serves to intrigue the public.
Kristen Cladek
2020-07-23 03:32:23 UTC
Post by Vicki
He kind of did. He's working with an EDM group (have to relisten to get the name) on a song that he said will be on their next album.
I'd love for him to do a whole EDM/electronica album. Something totally unexpected, like Paradise Cafe was.
Oh that would be so cool!!! And bring a whole lot of new people into the fan base!

2020-07-23 20:14:49 UTC
If the concerts don’t go ahead, I hope they cancel rather than reschedule as currently the fan club are refusing to refund any tickets and saying people have to either sell them on themselves or do a chargeback if they paid by credit card. Really not fair.

2020-07-23 23:34:24 UTC
Post by Sheila
If the concerts don’t go ahead, I hope they cancel rather than reschedule as currently the fan club are refusing to refund any tickets and saying people have to either sell them on themselves or do a chargeback if they paid by credit card. Really not fair.
Hi Sheila,

I can't imagine any shows being held for the rest of this year, if not longer.

There are so many hot spots in the country right now and that's not going to settle down any time soon. In New England we are preparing for the possibility of another wave of virus in the fall. So even when the areas of current outbreak level off, it's possible there will be a second or even third wave in prior geographic areas of infection. We all might be on a big old roller coaster of virus outbreaks.

All indications are we're not going to return to life as usual until a vaccine is available. In other words, not within the next 12 months.

As to the shows, People travel to LV from all over and it just seems foolhardy to encourage people to converge in one city. (Even for Barry Manilow)

And as for Mr M himself, he definitely should not be performing in front of crowds, nor meeting-and-greeting the fans.

IMO resuming shows is just a bad idea all around. I think we fans all get that as disappointing as this is, it's just the way it has to be for now.

As to ticket refunds, I don't know how this works -- what percentage of ticket sales go to the venue? Is it up to the venue or Stiletto to refund ? And also, I have to wonder if insurance is involved to cover unforeseen circumstances like this pandemic. Anybody know how any of this works?

Has Stiletto issued any official statements on the refund policy and procedures?
Because I think they should. If only to explain why they can't issue refunds.

I will say it seems lame AF that Stiletto is telling people to resell tickets on their own. I mean, under normal circumstances I get that, but these are far from normal times.

I feel badly for fellow fans who have tickets that are now only big question marks. And a platinum is kind of a big financial commitment. I will probs buy a couple platinums in the future, but not until we are definitely on the downhill side of this pandemic. For people who already have these tickets, I think Stiletto should refund y'all and give you the option to repurchase when and if. Not only for the platinums, either, but all of the ticket sales.

IMO, of course, and as I previously indicated, I have no idea how the financial structure of sales is set up. But platinum tickets are kind of a big financial expenditure and having everything up in the air for the ticketholders must be worrisome.

Jim UK
2020-07-22 18:26:04 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by dcsharon
(snip to)
Manilow still holding
A superstar headlining booking to watch is Barry Manilow’s 2020 dates at Westgate Las Vegas’s International Theater. Manilow is still scheduled for 24 performances beginning Sept. 17 through Dec. 5. This is a “barometer” residency, the most extensive headlining run still in the books this year in town. We will have made remarkable strides against COVID if Manilow’s shows come off as scheduled.
(DC) Sharon
I sincerely hope these shows are cancelled!
I wanted to purchase platinums for my sister and me in October for my birthday, but no way will it be safe to travel and be in crowds. Not worth the risk.
I hope MR M and company stay safe and cancel these shows. It's not safe for Mr M to be around people.
Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M.
His name is Barry. That is one more letter to type than "Mr(space)M". Is that hard for you to do? Barry really does not need fans like you who still use the word "Fanilow". Get a life, Annie.
2020-07-22 18:56:00 UTC
Post by Jim UK
Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M.
His name is Barry. That is one more letter to type than "Mr(space)M". Is that hard for you to do? Barry really does not need fans like you who still use the word "Fanilow". Get a life, Annie.
It's so funny how people who need to get a life tell other people to get a life. Why anyone should care what Annie calls Mr. M is beside me!
p.s. You know, there are a lot of performers named Barry...wouldn't want to mistake one for another, would we?
2020-07-22 19:07:19 UTC
Post by Jim UK
Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M.
His name is Barry. That is one more letter to type than "Mr(space)M". Is that hard for you to do? Barry really does not need fans like you who still use the word "Fanilow". Get a life, Annie.
It's so funny how people who need to get a life tell other people to get a life. Why anyone should care what Annie calls Mr. M is beyond me!
p.s. You know, there are a lot of performers named Barry...wouldn't want to mistake one for another, would we?
Jim UK
2020-07-22 19:39:20 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M.
His name is Barry. That is one more letter to type than "Mr(space)M". Is that hard for you to do? Barry really does not need fans like you who still use the word "Fanilow". Get a life, Annie.
It's so funny how people who need to get a life tell other people to get a life. Why anyone should care what Annie calls Mr. M is beyond me!
p.s. You know, there are a lot of performers named Barry...wouldn't want to mistake one for another, would we?
Oh Jeezus, another idiot sticking up for Annie's pathetic comments. Blah, blah, blah. I have a very nice life thank you.
Jim UK
2020-07-22 19:51:24 UTC
Post by s***@gmail.com
Post by Jim UK
Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M Mr M.
His name is Barry. That is one more letter to type than "Mr(space)M". Is that hard for you to do? Barry really does not need fans like you who still use the word "Fanilow". Get a life, Annie.
It's so funny how people who need to get a life tell other people to get a life. Why anyone should care what Annie calls Mr. M is beyond me!
p.s. You know, there are a lot of performers named Barry...wouldn't want to mistake one for another, would we?
There are a lot of performers called Barry. But this is a newsgroup about Barry Manilow, so why would I make a mistake that we are talking about another Barry? Next.
2020-07-29 00:56:57 UTC
Post by dcsharon
(snip to)
Manilow still holding
A superstar headlining booking to watch is Barry Manilow’s 2020 dates at Westgate Las Vegas’s International Theater. Manilow is still scheduled for 24 performances beginning Sept. 17 through Dec. 5. This is a “barometer” residency, the most extensive headlining run still in the books this year in town. We will have made remarkable strides against COVID if Manilow’s shows come off as scheduled.
(DC) Sharon
Well, the Manilow official site continues to have Westgate show tix for sale, starting September.

I cannot imagine this being safe for all concerned. The state of Nevada, along with that entire part of the country is in full-on pandemic mode. I think it's overly optimistic to think all will be well in 6 short weeks.

I'm wondering how brisk ticket sales are. Are people willing to take a chance of contracting Covid? Seeing Mr M this year is a high risk activity, no doubt.

But, the tickets continue to be available, so....and with Stiletto's sketchy 'we don't do refunds' policy....IDK.....

Update: just for the hell of it I went on over to the official site, and I clicked on 'Buy Platinum tickets' for Sept 19. Thought maybe I'd get a pop up message or something, but nope. Tix were available for purchase.

Did not purchase, of course, just conducting research. And I imagine an alarm went off somewhere in the halls of Stiletto: "OMG WAKE UP SOMEONE'S BUYING TICKETS!!!!!.....oh, never mind....."

I'm thinking there will be some sort of statement issued around August 1st addressing status of 2020 shows.

Angela Parker
2020-07-29 19:23:56 UTC
We bought platinum tickets for my birthday in April, so we've been moved twice now. First to June and then to October. I have a sneaky feeling they'll be moving again. Oh well, something to look forward to.

2020-07-30 00:40:18 UTC
Post by Angela Parker
We bought platinum tickets for my birthday in April, so we've been moved twice now. First to June and then to October. I have a sneaky feeling they'll be moving again. Oh well, something to look forward to.
Yes. You know you'll get there eventually. And who knows, if the platinum price goes up in 2021 you will be getting a bargain, so that's something.

Hoping life goes back to normal before long,

2020-07-30 00:46:59 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
Post by Angela Parker
We bought platinum tickets for my birthday in April, so we've been moved twice now. First to June and then to October. I have a sneaky feeling they'll be moving again. Oh well, something to look forward to.
Yes. You know you'll get there eventually. And who knows, if the platinum price goes up in 2021 you will be getting a bargain, so that's something.
Hoping life goes back to normal before long,
My friend just this minute texted me this quote. Based on the timing, I have to share....

"We must let go of the life we planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us." --Joseph Campbell

not super appropriate, but sort of fits.

Brenda M
2020-07-30 14:08:54 UTC

It does fit.
I also think it’s healthy to mourn both the lives we had and had planned. At least for the foreseeable future, they are gone. To grieve their passing is to help us let go ... and move on.

I will miss them both.

2020-07-30 17:39:28 UTC
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Brenda M
2020-07-30 19:08:59 UTC
Honestly, my biggest pandemic challenge? I don’t breathe all that well with the MASK.

Don’t get me wrong...I wear them. For quick trips to the post office they are fine.

But by the time I’m done at Costco I want to pass out.
That’s been my biggest challenge ... along with wondering if I have covid every time a blade of grass makes me sneeze.

It’s all exhausting.
2020-07-30 21:17:45 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
What have other folks found to be their biggest challenge
to overcome during this pandemic?
Since March, four friends have passed away. Nothing to do with
the virus. One was a good friend's mom we've known forever.
She was 93, and passed from natural causes. One was a 76-year-
old man who suffered from Alzheimers. One was the wife of a
good friend who dropped dead from a heart attack at the age of
52. The other was our next door neighbor who passed at 78 from
cancer. They're planning a memorial for him someday.

Not only do we miss all of them terribly, but this virus
wouldn't let us attend services due to limits on attendance.
Funeral services are for the living. So we've missed out on a
chance for closure, a chance to join the families to say
goodbye. Makes me really sad.

2020-07-31 06:24:49 UTC
The biggest challenge for me has been the lack of privacy and alone time. Three years ago, my dog daughter, her husband and my grandson moved in with me temporarily. It was supposed to be for two or three months and now it's been over three years. With my grandson not being able to go to school, and his mom not having to take him to school, it seems like I never have a minute to myself. He's 12, and although I love him dearly, it seems like he's always eating, playing video games, or just generally being rambunctious. What I wouldn't give for four hours with nobody in the house with me. I know, be careful what you wish for! They can come back, I just want them to go away for a little bit!