Live blogging Today w/ Hoda & Jenna
(too old to reply)
2020-05-16 14:36:02 UTC
The Today Show with Hoda and Jenna, 5/15/20.

Another show I've never seen before. I was at work yesterday when this aired and didn't DVR it, so let's On Demand this visit with our guy.

Hoda tells us right off - Barry Manilow!

Jenna looks sooo much like her Daddy. And has his way with words.
Actual quote:
"Any of us who HAS an aching back" Yikes Jenna.

Today is national learn how to swim day. So that's a thing.

Lots of filler chit chat. This is my first day off in, like, 8 days, so not wasting it listening to crap...….FF....OH NO! The FF function "is not available". UGH...….well, then, I'm going to go make some coffee while this drones on

I'm back because MICHELLE OBAMA! This is better than Barry Manilow. (Sorry, but true) She is all that a First Lady should be and more. Inspiring talk to young people about the future and voting.

Evidently there's going to be some kind of televised thing about Prom because all Proms have been cancelled. I don't know how I feel about that......
on the one hand, the kids are all feeling bad about missing their Prom, and I get it. But they are spared being memorialized wearing a pink puffy Prom dress chosen specifically because it looked like one worn by Princess Diana.
Okay maybe that's just me.....

anywaaaaay…...coffee's ready so let's let the ladies drone on while I excuse myself....

Wait Wait Wait! They just cut to my imaginary Prom date, Mr Barry Manilow!

Still at home in PS. Let's hit Pause so we can study this.

Okay, same room as was featured on The Late Show, different view though. He has a director's chair with his name on it. Seriously? Subtle display of awards on the upper left.

Judy Garland references absent. I'm guessing too gay for the daytime audience? Grand piano right behind him and we are hoping he plays that when he sings
(and by "we" I mean "me"; Mr Annie has zero interest and would rather die than sit through this. I understand; I am aware of the limited scope of our marriage vows)

Mr M is wearing another cobalt blue shirt, or maybe it's the same one as on the Late show; these are things I have no way of knowing. The dark blue really stands out against the yellowy-beige background of the room and which is why he probs chose it.

Hi Mr M!

Chyron says
"HE'S THE MAN-ILOW" Well, I could have done without THAT.

Questions for Mr M:

How's he doing?

He's doing okay. It's a weird time.

How does he spend his day?

My mind is reeling with possibilities.......quarantined with the handsome Garry Kief is #GOALS. For Annie, that is. I can't speak for Mr M.

What Mr M actually says is:
He gets up and does projects. He always has projects going on.

He misses his band. He misses his friends.

What advice does he have for the kids out there?

We revisit the story about not wanting to be a performer. But, he sang his own demos and he was surprised to be offered a record deal.
Personally, I don't mind hearing the same stories, anything to see Mr M.

Presenting the Pandemic Theme Song: When The Good Times Come Again......
He's not playing the big-ass grand piano but still, I'll take it. The opening chords are iconic Manilow. I want Mr M to sing this song to me every night. You know, in person. Wouldn't that be nice?

On closer inspection, his shirt's more of a purple-y satin situation.

It's so good to hear Mr M's voice. He looks tan. Evidently one of his projects involves sitting by the pool at Casa di Manilow.

Mr M's bangs are getting kind of long. Same, baby, same. No gray hair, so he must be staying on top of that situation at home. Again, same.


He has such a sweet smile. Does a good rendition of WTGTCA.

Commercials and back to the ladies at home. Is Hoda sitting in her closet? It looks like she is sitting in her clothes closet.....Jenna has some ugly-ass wildlife prints on the wall - is that a FERRET? - and don't even get me started on her throw pillows.

Now we have random celebs giving advice to grads.

I'm gonna go pay my credit card bill......BRB

OMG this show is boring AF. Listening to Jenna and Hoda chat about nothing. Why is this a show? I'm still here because of Hoda's casual comment about "one of the songs Barry's gonna sing for us is...." implying there'll be another Barry segment.......

And it's over! I guess we're not going to get more than one song from Mr M. But, one is better than none.

Kristen Cladek
2020-05-19 16:13:56 UTC
Post by a***@gmail.com
The Today Show with Hoda and Jenna, 5/15/20.
Another show I've never seen before. I was at work yesterday when this aired and didn't DVR it, so let's On Demand this visit with our guy.
Hoda tells us right off - Barry Manilow!
Jenna looks sooo much like her Daddy. And has his way with words.
"Any of us who HAS an aching back" Yikes Jenna.
Today is national learn how to swim day. So that's a thing.
Lots of filler chit chat. This is my first day off in, like, 8 days, so not wasting it listening to crap...….FF....OH NO! The FF function "is not available". UGH...….well, then, I'm going to go make some coffee while this drones on
I'm back because MICHELLE OBAMA! This is better than Barry Manilow. (Sorry, but true) She is all that a First Lady should be and more. Inspiring talk to young people about the future and voting.
Evidently there's going to be some kind of televised thing about Prom because all Proms have been cancelled. I don't know how I feel about that......
on the one hand, the kids are all feeling bad about missing their Prom, and I get it. But they are spared being memorialized wearing a pink puffy Prom dress chosen specifically because it looked like one worn by Princess Diana.
Okay maybe that's just me.....
anywaaaaay…...coffee's ready so let's let the ladies drone on while I excuse myself....
Wait Wait Wait! They just cut to my imaginary Prom date, Mr Barry Manilow!
Still at home in PS. Let's hit Pause so we can study this.
Okay, same room as was featured on The Late Show, different view though. He has a director's chair with his name on it. Seriously? Subtle display of awards on the upper left.
Judy Garland references absent. I'm guessing too gay for the daytime audience? Grand piano right behind him and we are hoping he plays that when he sings
(and by "we" I mean "me"; Mr Annie has zero interest and would rather die than sit through this. I understand; I am aware of the limited scope of our marriage vows)
Mr M is wearing another cobalt blue shirt, or maybe it's the same one as on the Late show; these are things I have no way of knowing. The dark blue really stands out against the yellowy-beige background of the room and which is why he probs chose it.
Hi Mr M!
Chyron says
"HE'S THE MAN-ILOW" Well, I could have done without THAT.
How's he doing?
He's doing okay. It's a weird time.
How does he spend his day?
My mind is reeling with possibilities.......quarantined with the handsome Garry Kief is #GOALS. For Annie, that is. I can't speak for Mr M.
He gets up and does projects. He always has projects going on.
He misses his band. He misses his friends.
What advice does he have for the kids out there?
We revisit the story about not wanting to be a performer. But, he sang his own demos and he was surprised to be offered a record deal.
Personally, I don't mind hearing the same stories, anything to see Mr M.
Presenting the Pandemic Theme Song: When The Good Times Come Again......
He's not playing the big-ass grand piano but still, I'll take it. The opening chords are iconic Manilow. I want Mr M to sing this song to me every night. You know, in person. Wouldn't that be nice?
On closer inspection, his shirt's more of a purple-y satin situation.
It's so good to hear Mr M's voice. He looks tan. Evidently one of his projects involves sitting by the pool at Casa di Manilow.
Mr M's bangs are getting kind of long. Same, baby, same. No gray hair, so he must be staying on top of that situation at home. Again, same.
He has such a sweet smile. Does a good rendition of WTGTCA.
Commercials and back to the ladies at home. Is Hoda sitting in her closet? It looks like she is sitting in her clothes closet.....Jenna has some ugly-ass wildlife prints on the wall - is that a FERRET? - and don't even get me started on her throw pillows.
Now we have random celebs giving advice to grads.
I'm gonna go pay my credit card bill......BRB
OMG this show is boring AF. Listening to Jenna and Hoda chat about nothing. Why is this a show? I'm still here because of Hoda's casual comment about "one of the songs Barry's gonna sing for us is...." implying there'll be another Barry segment.......
And it's over! I guess we're not going to get more than one song from Mr M. But, one is better than none.
It was nice to see him again! He looks and sounds great. There is something very human about his internet being glitchy. "Celebrities, they're just like us!"

Hope we see him on more shows!

