OT - Quarantine nickname
(too old to reply)
2020-03-23 18:13:56 UTC
I found a Twitter thread asking people to share their
quarantine nickname created by (1) how they felt, and (2) the
last thing they ate. Some of these were pretty funny, so I
thought I'd share a little humor in these troubled times.

Disorganized blueberry muffin

Lonely gingersnap

Sad Cake Balls

Outraged pork rind

Radicalized Granola here, holed up with my spouse Worried
Peanut Butter

Buzzed Tortilla Chips

Weepy Tequila

Exhausted Cheez Doodle

Restless Rice-cake

Weirdly sanguine donut

Twisted cheese cracker

Stoned Wheat Thin

Dazed and confused fist full of nuts

pensive fried pickle

Stoned Cornflakes

Panicked Cous Cous

Hammered Pringle

Panicked meatballs

Angry Oatmeal

Scattered cheese stick

Phlegmatic marshmallow

Fatigued candy cane

Hopeless cannabis gummy

Lethargic Whole Fucking Bag of Popcorn

Pissed-Off Pop-Tart

Hungover Nacho

Seething chickpea puff

Shitty nachos

Sexually frustrated chocolate covered raisins
[my personal favorite :)]

Freaked Out Garbanzo Bean

Emotionally exhausted burrito

Panicky Pickles

Antsy Doughnut

Horny breadstick (also a great porn name)

Homicidal Spongecake

Enraged pork rind

2020-03-23 23:05:30 UTC
Post by Scooter
I found a Twitter thread asking people to share their
quarantine nickname created by (1) how they felt, and (2) the
last thing they ate. Some of these were pretty funny, so I
thought I'd share a little humor in these troubled times.
Disorganized blueberry muffin
Lonely gingersnap
Sad Cake Balls
Outraged pork rind
Radicalized Granola here, holed up with my spouse Worried
Peanut Butter
Buzzed Tortilla Chips
Weepy Tequila
Exhausted Cheez Doodle
Restless Rice-cake
Weirdly sanguine donut
Twisted cheese cracker
Stoned Wheat Thin
Dazed and confused fist full of nuts
pensive fried pickle
Stoned Cornflakes
Panicked Cous Cous
Hammered Pringle
Panicked meatballs
Angry Oatmeal
Scattered cheese stick
Phlegmatic marshmallow
Fatigued candy cane
Hopeless cannabis gummy
Lethargic Whole Fucking Bag of Popcorn
Pissed-Off Pop-Tart
Hungover Nacho
Seething chickpea puff
Shitty nachos
Sexually frustrated chocolate covered raisins
[my personal favorite :)]
Freaked Out Garbanzo Bean
Emotionally exhausted burrito
Panicky Pickles
Antsy Doughnut
Horny breadstick (also a great porn name)
Homicidal Spongecake
Enraged pork rind
Some of these are really funny! I guess I'd have to go with Frustrated (sexually or otherwise... LOL) leftover chicken Alfredo. :-)
2020-03-25 19:39:46 UTC
Post by Scooter
I found a Twitter thread asking people to share their
quarantine nickname created by (1) how they felt, and (2) the
last thing they ate. Some of these were pretty funny, so I
thought I'd share a little humor in these troubled times.
Disorganized blueberry muffin
Lonely gingersnap
Sad Cake Balls
Outraged pork rind
Radicalized Granola here, holed up with my spouse Worried
Peanut Butter
Buzzed Tortilla Chips
Weepy Tequila
Exhausted Cheez Doodle
Restless Rice-cake
Weirdly sanguine donut
Twisted cheese cracker
Stoned Wheat Thin
Dazed and confused fist full of nuts
pensive fried pickle
Stoned Cornflakes
Panicked Cous Cous
Hammered Pringle
Panicked meatballs
Angry Oatmeal
Scattered cheese stick
Phlegmatic marshmallow
Fatigued candy cane
Hopeless cannabis gummy
Lethargic Whole Fucking Bag of Popcorn
Pissed-Off Pop-Tart
Hungover Nacho
Seething chickpea puff
Shitty nachos
Sexually frustrated chocolate covered raisins
[my personal favorite :)]
Freaked Out Garbanzo Bean
Emotionally exhausted burrito
Panicky Pickles
Antsy Doughnut
Horny breadstick (also a great porn name)
Homicidal Spongecake
Enraged pork rind
So today I had a conversation with my husband and my Mom about my Advance Directives.

Advance Directives = what I want to see happen if I become critically ill and/or die.

This conversation is something our Medical Director at work suggested we all have. Being health care workers on the front lines, and with the current Covid 19 situation expected to get much worse in the coming weeks, we're at increased risk of contracting the virus.

It was suggested that we have this discussion with our families so they will know how to deal with any "worst case scenarios" in the future.

So I did. I tried my best to soft-sell it, but it was as awkward and horrible as you might imagine.

Full disclosure: I am angry AF that our government was not prepared to deal with this inevitability. If not Covid 19, then any other inevitable pandemic.

Remember when Ebola AKA Hemorrhagic Fever came into our country a few years back? President Obama created the Pandemic Response Team as a result of that; he understood it was only a matter of time before another, possibly much worse, event occurred. He understood the necessity of being prepared with containment and management plans, with stockpiled medical supplies, with adequate hospital beds.

Two years ago Trump dismantled that Pandemic Response Team. Meaning that we were no longer preparing for a pandemic.

Let me restate this: Trump dismantled the Pandemic Response Team. Trump.
Not the Democrats. Not "The Libtards". Not Congress. It was Donald Trump

And as a result?......well, health care workers are having to discuss their Advance Directives with their next of kin because we are IN THE SHIT. Anyone who thinks this is over by Easter is delusional. Remember what happened in the hospitals in New Orleans immediately following Hurricane Katrina? Well, that'll seem like a fucking teddy bear's picnic compared to the coming shitstorm.

So I'm not going to tell my "Quarantine Nickname".

I just wanted to post this so that people will stop and realize that this situation is far more involved than Americans 'staying at home until the storm passes'. Also, it's not a storm, it's going to be a tsunami, the likes of which we have never seen before.

And before somebody says "Trump is not responsible for this pandemic!" let me say this:

No, of course not. Trump did not create this virus. Viruses mutate to become more deadly. Viruses jump from one reservoir (animals) to another (humans). Without human hand.

Trump DID, however, minimize the impact and delay action. He DID ignore the warnings he was given back in January- BEFORE the virus hit our shores. He DID dismantle the government agency who could have best dealt with this pandemic early on. He DID tell the country last month that it was "only 15 cases and under control" when instead we should have put management plans into action.

Trump's poor leadership has put us all in real jeopardy. Health Care workers perhaps more so than others, but BEST BELIEVE we are all at real risk now.

Quarantine nickname? Sorry. Can't find the humor.

2020-03-26 03:44:17 UTC
2020-03-27 21:33:48 UTC
"Quarantine nickname" - yeah, I can see the humor, and right now I'll take whatever humor I can find. Randy Rainbow has already done a couple of videos which I find hilarious if sadly true.

But addressing the rest of your posting... yup. Shaking my head in agreement.
The Resident has finally run into something that he can't tweet his way out of... while MoscowMitch and the Minions can't protect him either. Meanwhile he's throwing another one of his widdle Trumper Tantrums about how everybody is just being so mean... to HIM. I'm counting down the days until he decides to try postponing or eliminating the elections in November.

Spoiled brat entitlement at its finest.
Maria M
2020-04-02 10:28:00 UTC
Great post Annie. I hope your test comes back negative.

What is happening to our health care workers is disgraceful. My neighbor is an RN and she has one mask that she cleans with bleach each night. Another neighbor is a retired RN and she was called by her old hospital to “volunteer” to help. Volunteer? In a war zone with inadequate supplies?

It’s a mess and it is all on Trump for not listening and not taking action sooner. His followers still think he is doing a great job though. I read it daily and see it in some of my neighbors.

Stay safe Annie & thanks for taking care of those who cannot take care of themselves.

Brenda M
2020-04-02 18:04:29 UTC

Please know so many of us are praying for you guys in New York. At least you’ve got a good governor fighting to keep you all safe.

Take care, and God bless.
