Coronavirus is messing up my brain
(too old to reply)
Brenda M
2020-03-13 10:16:58 UTC
No, I don’t have it yet ... but I just woke up from a truly bizarre dream I thought you guys might appreciate.

I was in a building where Barry was autographing CDs... but when I got up to where he was, there was no line.

Just Barry, all by himself, signing CDs.

So I walked up to the table and said, “How are you doing?”

He looked confused by my question. “Fine.”

“You know, with all this coronavirus stuff.”

“Oh... I’m okay. I ‘m taking care of myself, eating good, and changing my rubbers.”

I was a bit taken aback. So I just said, “Oh, that’s nice”, thanked him for my CD and left.

And then my alarm went off.

Happy Friday!
Stay healthy, everyone.
And for God’s sake, please change your rubbers.
2020-03-13 17:56:37 UTC
Post by Brenda M
Happy Friday!
Stay healthy, everyone.
And for God's sake, please change your rubbers.
Ha! I'll sure keep that in mind. ;^)

BTW, just got back from the grocery store. What a zoo! Saw a
woman loading up cases of cans if Vienna sausage. That should
cure just about any illness. <cough> Of course there was no
hand sanitizer, toilet paper, or paper towels to be found.
And just about every cart had cases of bottled water. Not
quite sure why this virus is supposed to stop water from
coming out of our faucets at home, but maybe they know
something I don't. But maybe the oddest thing was an empty
shelf where regular sugar used to be. Maybe if you drink
sugar water, you'll be immune? 8-)

Anyway, wash your hands, and stay out of crowds. This, too,
in time shall pass.

2020-03-14 01:50:19 UTC
Post by Scooter
Post by Brenda M
Happy Friday!
Stay healthy, everyone.
And for God's sake, please change your rubbers.
Ha! I'll sure keep that in mind. ;^)
BTW, just got back from the grocery store. What a zoo! Saw a
woman loading up cases of cans if Vienna sausage. That should
cure just about any illness. <cough> Of course there was no
hand sanitizer, toilet paper, or paper towels to be found.
And just about every cart had cases of bottled water. Not
quite sure why this virus is supposed to stop water from
coming out of our faucets at home, but maybe they know
something I don't. But maybe the oddest thing was an empty
shelf where regular sugar used to be. Maybe if you drink
sugar water, you'll be immune? 8-)
Anyway, wash your hands, and stay out of crowds. This, too,
in time shall pass.
I know what you mean, Scooter. I was at my local Wally-World on Tuesday... maybe a dozen packages of TP left on the shelves, and almost all the paper towels were gone, too. And two women almost screaming at some poor employee because their cart wouldn't hold more than the EIGHT CASES of bottled water they'd somehow managed to stack up.

The only thing we have to fear... is stupidity itself.

P.S. I'm already well-stocked on TP, paper towels, hand sanitizer, and Brita filters :-)
2020-03-14 13:44:18 UTC
My niece is a Color Guard member in her high school. Those are
the folks with flags who march with the band. Her group was to
compete in the Western Regional competition this weekend in Las
Vegas. Her mom and dad went with her from Oklahoma to LV. They
drove as they couldn't afford air tickets for all three of them.
When they got to LV, they found out the entire event was
cancelled. So they had a 2200-mile road trip to nowhere. :(

I remember the Asian Flu pandemic in 1957. In those ancient
days, the doctor came to the house. I survived, but was sooooo

Stay safe, everyone.

