Happy Easter and Passover and a speedy end to the pandemic
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2020-04-08 12:47:48 UTC
I want to wish all of you a very Happy Easter and Passover and to stay safe at home. It is strange for me personally to have a Passover Seder devoid of friends and family members, but we all have to stay safe and I will be watching a virtual Seder from my synagogue tonight.
It is ironic that in the Seder we learn of the many plagues that Egyptians suffered thousands of years ago for their actions in forbidding the end of slavery of the Jews. One may view the coronavirus pandemic as being another of the plagues we have to endure.
May you all stay safe at home over the holidays and hopefully we will all resume our normal lives again, sooner rather than later. Regards, Marvin
2020-04-09 01:30:57 UTC
Post by marvin
I want to wish all of you a very Happy Easter and Passover and to stay safe at home. It is strange for me personally to have a Passover Seder devoid of friends and family members, but we all have to stay safe and I will be watching a virtual Seder from my synagogue tonight.
It is ironic that in the Seder we learn of the many plagues that Egyptians suffered thousands of years ago for their actions in forbidding the end of slavery of the Jews. One may view the coronavirus pandemic as being another of the plagues we have to endure.
May you all stay safe at home over the holidays and hopefully we will all resume our normal lives again, sooner rather than later. Regards, Marvin

I'm definitely not Jewish, but I've been to a few Passover Seders in the past. I don't even pretend I understand everything, but let's hope that the days to come are more charoset than maror.

Happy / Blessed Passover to you and anyone else in here who celebrates it.
Brenda M
2020-04-11 12:59:52 UTC

Thank you for the lovely wishes! Happy Passover!

It really hurt not being able to go to church on Good Friday, but God knows there’s so much suffering in the world right now, and prayers are never wasted. We can pray continuously for those afflicted with physical or financial ills, thank God for his blessings, and rejoice if we still have health and employment.

Faith survives, love conquers all, and this madness is just temporary. I have a happy little robin chirping outside my window right now to remind me in case I forget.

Love to you all this beautiful holiday weekend. Stay safe!


P.S. I heard that longtime fan Sheila Vinson passed away. My sincerest condolences go out to all her friends.