BBC News: Dame Vera Lynn, Forces Sweetheart, Dies at Age 103
(too old to reply)
2020-06-22 10:46:46 UTC

As perhaps most of us who read here know, British singer Dame Vera Lynn popularized the song “We’ll Meet Again” during World War II. That song later became a Manilow “thing” when Barry performed it during UK concerts & other Manilow shows where it would be appropriate (such as concerts outside the UK marking the end of BMIFC Conventions & Fan Club Parties).

Sadly, Dame Vera died this past Thursday, at age 103. See the linked obituary for more information.
2020-06-22 23:33:11 UTC
Post by Carmen
As perhaps most of us who read here know, British singer Dame Vera Lynn popularized the song “We’ll Meet Again” during World War II. That song later became a Manilow “thing” when Barry performed it during UK concerts & other Manilow shows where it would be appropriate (such as concerts outside the UK marking the end of BMIFC Conventions & Fan Club Parties).
Sadly, Dame Vera died this past Thursday, at age 103. See the linked obituary for more information.
The film "Dr Strangelove" ruined this song for me. That is all.

