(OT) Roy Horn dies of coronavirus
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Brenda M
2020-05-09 02:06:05 UTC
I am just so incredibly sad about this.

During those glory days of Barry performing in Vegas, Siegfried and Roy personified the magic and charm of my favorite sin city.

Roy survived his tiger’s brutal love and protection, but could not survive this terrible plague.

Vegas might as well keep the lights turned off.

Just heartbreaking. :-(

2020-05-09 18:55:50 UTC
Yesterday and today were a day of losses. Sad to learn about Roy Horn due to this tragic plague.

Today we learned Little Richard passed. I was lucky enough to see him perform at "A Capitol 4th" several years ago. To the regret of the stage manager and the entire production crew, he didn't attend the rehearsal (his music director performed his parts for camera blocking) and that show is timed to match the cannons going off during the 1812 Overture for the finale. He overplayed (live) and there was no way they could get him off the stage. That meant the timing of the cannons were going to be early so we were treated to Bebe Neuwirth singing "Come on Babe, why don't we paint the <KABOOM> town, and all that jazz?" She knew what was going to happen, so she was prepared not to jump out of her skin when she heard the cannons.

One of my favorite Little Richard memories -- he wrecked her number, but the crowd loved him and I'm sure she forgave him (eventually).

(DC) Sharon
Kristen Cladek
2020-05-12 15:46:58 UTC
Post by Brenda M
I am just so incredibly sad about this.
During those glory days of Barry performing in Vegas, Siegfried and Roy personified the magic and charm of my favorite sin city.
Roy survived his tiger’s brutal love and protection, but could not survive this terrible plague.
Vegas might as well keep the lights turned off.
Just heartbreaking. :-(
I'm a huge, huge fan of S&R. Roy's passing hit me really hard. This is devastating. I've been a mess since Friday when I found out.

I'm really sick of all of this Coronavirus.

I hope everyone is doing ok and staying safe!

Brenda M
2020-05-13 02:51:52 UTC
I’m so sorry, Kristen.

Hang in there! Nightmares end sometime.

Kristen Cladek
2020-05-19 16:14:44 UTC
Post by Brenda M
I’m so sorry, Kristen.
Hang in there! Nightmares end sometime.
Thanks Brenda.

<3 <3
