Another Manilow fan leaves us
(too old to reply)
Brenda M
2020-02-11 00:41:27 UTC
Today I found out that a dear friend of mine, Fran Seaman, passed away from lung cancer.

I am in shock.

Fran had fallen out of touch with several friends this past year, including me. I thought it strange I didn’t get a Christmas card from her. But I always assumed I’d see her again. We used to pal around at the concerts ... Chicago, Vegas .. she was one of those friends who was the same no matter how much time had passed between phone calls. I loved her. And she just loved Barry!

Apparently she didn’t want us to know she was sick.

I think I’ll go cry now.

P.S. thank you, Alan, for letting us know.

P.SS. Fucking cancer. I fucking hate you!
2020-02-11 02:09:14 UTC
I feel the same way, Brenda. Fran was a close friend of mine for many years. We lived in the same area and she and another friend and I would meet every few months for lunch. We went on many Manilow adventures together - the first being the Palm Springs Convention in December 1993. The crazy thing was, just yesterday I was getting ready for church and I thought I should send her a note that we needed to get together for one of those lunch dates. I got home from church and found two messages for me that she had passed away! I am still in shock! None of us - even those of us who lived a few miles away - even knew she was sick! RIP Fran. We'll miss you and those awesome get-togethers we had all over the Northeast... and Florida... and California...

Brenda M
2020-02-11 11:03:59 UTC

My deepest condolences ... i know how close you were.

Her love for Barry’s music was mentioned in her obit:
