Where's Barry?
(too old to reply)
2020-04-03 15:20:08 UTC
There have been emails asking us to buy tickets for Vegas and Christmas Gift of Love -- but where's Barry in this social media madness that is known as Corona?

Other artists are doing sing alongs (side note -- for those that like to sing along join Choir!Choir!Choir!'s Choir-In-Tine sing alongs -they do 2 a week), concerts. Some just a minute or two. But it shows fans that their favorite artists are still out there, and in the same situation as you.

So - what's been your favorite "virtual" moment? Mine has probably been Neil Diamond singing Sweet Caroline with altered lyrics.

(DC) Sharon
Brenda M
2020-04-03 19:45:12 UTC

Singers who can still sing without bells, whistles and assorted digital wizardry ... and who aren’t paranoid about fans seeing their secret domiciles ...can perform from their living rooms.

These would also be singers who are okay performing for free.

Does any of that even remotely sound like Barry?


P.S. i just hope neither he nor Garry are sick... ‘cuz if either of them were, we’d be the last to know, God knows..
2020-04-03 21:51:02 UTC
Well Barry did do the Rosie Broadway thing from his studio. He's definitely more likely to do an appearance in a group project like that than something solo. But he looked well, and during the last radio interviews he did he said was doing well. So hopefully he's holed up in his studio and he and Garry are healthy.

Brenda M
2020-04-03 22:16:13 UTC

That’s true. I think that’s likely to be the extent of his shelter-in-place outreaches.

And I echo your wishes for everyone to stay well! (Including all of here).

Happy Spring!
