OT - if you can't get to Vegas, let Vegas come to you
(too old to reply)
2020-07-13 03:08:29 UTC
As some of you may know, I am friends with a couple of the acts that performed on America's Got Talent. One of them, Piff the Magic Dragon, is starting to do shows from his home studio, and charging $35.75 to be part of his interactive studio audience.

If you can't get to Vegas to see your favorite acts, I guess they will have to come to you (via Zoom). What a concept.


(DC) Sharon
2020-07-13 14:01:59 UTC
This might work for this act because it is a magician and an interactive audience is part of the show, so it warrants the admission he is charging.
However, this does not bode well for singers, because you are paying for what is essentially a television show on your computer and so many people can see singers performing at their home on television and their computers for free, so I can't see Vegas charging admission for a lot of their performers. Thanks, Marvin
2020-07-13 17:30:23 UTC
"The Space", which is a small black box theater in Las Vegas, has started offering Pay Per View shows...so far, they've only announced two, but one of them is my current favorite singer. Yes, we can watch videos on youtube, etc, but apparently there is quite a market for a live performance. They are also offering a virtual "after party" which is garnering quite a bit of attention. It will be interesting to see if others follow suit.
2020-07-13 18:21:37 UTC
I just paid $22 (or so) for an interactive Josh Groban concert. It was wierd not to hear the audience reaction and cheers, but it was still a fun event, and closer than you might see in nosebleed seats.

He did include a VIP Zoom of sound check, but I didn't pay extra for that. The concert was enough for me.

(DC) Sharon
