Live Blogging Mr M on Late Late Show!
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2020-05-06 13:31:08 UTC
Of course I fell asleep before 12:30PM last night but I did have the foresight to DVR this puppy. Let's watch it now together!

I don't know about you but I've never seen this show before. James Corden is a British guy. Tonight's show, as I presume is the norm until the Pandemonium is over, is broadcast from his home. Where he is having trouble adjusting his chair, and cute quip about "you know who's going to help sort this out? Barry Manilow!" and right off we cut to Mr M. Looking good in a cobalt blue shirt in studio at his home in PS. Quarantine looks good on him. Hi, Mr M!

Also on the show some guy I've never heard of and I can't catch the name despite rewinding the DVR a couple times, but I'm not worried about it. Introduced as 'A writer and a philosopher'. Aren't we all?

Next we have a segment called "Three Things to cheer you up" in which we see a guy and his daughter working out; another guy sculpting an image of John Lennon into a carpet; and thirdly, a guy who works for the show and his fiancée. These people postponed their wedding from this weekend. The fiancée was napping during the taping and had to be woken up. Napping......

….I mean, who misses a chance to see Mr M live, even remotely. She could have asked Mr M to sing for her, seeing as how she missed her wedding and all. Opportunity missed! Instead they received a catered meal from a fancy restaurant, served in their front yard?
IDK. Personally I'd rather have Mr M pity-sing to me.

Next segment, about Trump. It's the infamous news conference in which Trump bizarrely riffs on "applying very powerful light (and heat)" and "injecting disinfectant inside the body". To be fair, though, Trump qualified his suggestions by stating that while he is not a medical doctor, he ^is^ a stable genius.

Fuck us, this is who leads our country now.

First guest: not Mr M. It's the guy whose name I still can't catch. He's cute and looks like he's standing in a......boutique? Seriously the set looks like a nice little shop somewhere.
There's a sign in the background, "Are You OK?"

No. No I'm not.

So this guy is giving some pretty generic advice about coping with the Pandemonium. His advice is not making me OK. He's trying though, so props for that.

He's going on and on.....he's some kind of life coach or something.....
You know what ^would^ make me feel OK? Bring on Barry Manilow.

Cut to commercials which include Mr Clean who, ironically, looks a bit like the life coach guy we just saw. And Charmin by Procter & Gamble. Which makes me realize that my cousin just retired from his position of VP at P&G, which is poor timing to say the least because he could have hooked me up with a couple truckloads of Charmin. This night is full of opportunities missed.

Back to the show and Mr Clean, the philosopher is still on.....

Aaaaand another shit-ton of commercials:

An ad for the 2020 Census: Shouldn't we wait to see how this Covid thing plays out before we do a head count? What if the disinfectant injections don't work?

Followed, unIronically, by an ad for bleach. The tag line, "When it matters, trust Clorox". Presented without comment.

Why is Barry Manilow always last on these shows? If it's to keep us watching the entire show, then well-played because I'm still standing (tm Elton John)

Finally, this is why we're here: Barry Manilow

Live-on-tape from his studio in PS.

Subtle-yet-obligatory gay salute to Judy Garland in lower right of the screen.

Hi Mr M! We've missed you, babe!

James Cordon reminds us 85 million albums sold. Many of them purchased by the folks right here at alt.fan! (I may have made up that last part)

Mr M has been home for a month at Casa di Manilow. He and his fam are following the quarantine rules. He's appreciative of the fact that he's got his bazillion acre estate to roam instead of a small apt in NYC.

Does Mr M think of himself as an icon?
Nope. Wakes up and takes the dogs out every morning. Cleans up the dog poop. Stars, they're just like us! I wonder if his dogs realize "OMG BARRY MANILOW is picking up my poop?"

Touching on the Las Vegas residency: Does Mr M miss it?
Yes. He misses his band, the crew and the audiences big time. He surprises himself by just how much he does miss it.

Which makes me v.happy because he's probs not thinking of retiring anytime soon.
When this is over, and if I survive being a health care worker amid the pandemic, I promised myself I will buy me a platinum meet-and-greet.
Putting my ass on a plane to LV and meeting Mr M in person because why not?

Mr M is introducing a song he recorded 30 years ago. The lyric is very relevant now. Presenting "When the Good times come again".

Our guy is in good voice. He's right, the lyrics are perfectly apropos.

Imma be listening to this song on repeat until the Pandemonium is ovah. No matter how lucky we are to have loving family and friends around us, only Mr M gives us all the special feels, am I right?

Thank you for that, Mr M! NOW I feel OK!

Song over, we go to more commercials.

Ad for ZzzQuil gummies to help one sleep. You know what would help me sleep? Xanax gummies. But you don't see ads for THAT!

I have a feeling we're not gonna see any more Mr M tonight.
Yup. That's the show.

Stay safe,
Maria M
2020-05-07 10:48:28 UTC
It was great seeing Barry. He is definitely a sight for these weary eyes.

Annie- you DEFINITELY should treat yourself to a Platinum. I did it last year for the first time and -wow- it was wonderful. Barry was enchanting. Cannot describe what it was like to have his full attention for a few moments and then sit in the front row. I went with four friends. We went all out- hair, makeup, limo. He called us the “5 babes” during his show! Quite a night. Do it!

The only thing with Platinums is I wonder what they will be like after this. He has to keep doing them for his charity, but I would think the format may change to protect Barry. I say protect him because I am sure many have visited with him through the years and have been unwell. I guess we’ll find out.

Your commentary always amuses me.

Stay well Annie.

2020-05-07 19:49:57 UTC

I, too, have been wondering what Platinums might look like, post-pandemic. Especially since I heard at least speculation on a Disney Parks-related YouTube podcast I watch saying there may be no more meet & greets involving the characters at the Disney Parks (specifically Disneyland & Walt Disney World, the US-based Parks, in the context of this video) after the Parks reopen to the public. OK... I know a meet & greet with a Disney character—human/the Princes & Princesses, Fairy Godmothers, etc., or in a full-length animal/dwarf/other costume—isn’t quite the same as a meet & greet with a legendary human singer, but there have to be certain at least general similarities to the events. I guess all we can do is wait & see.